
Nailed it!

Seven years. And I would argue that Amazon did not invent online sales. But we’re getting pretty far from my original statement which had nothing to do with any specific business. So I’m out. Have a nice day.

Luckily evne public companies don’t have to answer to “the public”. Just “the public with lots of money to invest”. Are you one of those people? No? Neither am I. So Tesla/Musk doesn’t care what we think.

Amazon wasn’t profitable until well into year 7. Not far off from where Telsa is right now. And making cars is a lot harder than selling books.

Not all shareholders are that shortsighted.

Yes, but sometimes you have to forego short-term profits for long-term gains.

Personally, I don’t recommend either.

Colloquially, that is true. By strict definition they are the same thing, though.

That is exactly what I thought of when I saw this:

Mad props to the bridge builders, yo.

Thank god somebody did. I thought I was having a case of the Mondays.

Duncan is within spittin’ distance of Baltimore, too. So that’s a viable option.

So has Ghosn spent those 100 days in minimum security white-collar prison where they have conjugal visits, or Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison? 

That’s the oh shit meter.

Or more likely, he simply doesn’t care. Because if I look good, he looks good.

Your boss catches on faster than mine. Nigh on 15 years, and mine still hasn’t figured out my game plan.

The car is all sharp edges and cutaway bodywork,

That sounds suspiciously like the Green New Deal.

We try to achieve the opposite of that,” [RJ] Scaringe [founder and chief executive officer of the electric vehicle startup] said. “We’d rather under promise and over deliver.”

I miss grunge.