
Samsung doesn’t care, since you’ll be spending another $1500 to replace it when the Samsung BendyFold 2 comes out next year.

Fortunately for us, wishing bad things to happen so that the sitting president can be blamed for it doesn’t make it so. That goes for both sides of the aisle.

Nope. You’re right. WWW was at least stupid entertaining. Suicide Squad was just a stupid mess.

I saw the movie. I am an expert on Russian submarines thanks to that. One. Ping. Only.

The headlights look like they tried to fit a rectangular peg in a round hole. Wait... that’s exactly what they did.

That lead gif made me literally LOL. Am I a bad person?

This was real kiddie driving. No frills. None. No driver assist nonsense like “motors” or “batteries”. If we wanted to go somewhere we had to pedal our vehicles. Nothing but three wheels, a handlebar, and a handbrake. Talk about feeling connected to the road, driver and vehicle as one. True jinba ittai.

You’re not helping your case.

So you’re an elitist snob when it comes to driving as well. Good to know.

Wow. I didn’t realize there were elitist snobs for towing until now. Thanks for the education.

Trailer makes it seem like the whole thing is going to be about the crashy parts of F1.

You can also get your loans forgiven if you go on permanent disability and are permanently unable to work. I don’t recommend doing this one, at least not on purpose.

Plus, it’s called the Adrenaline! That’s a good name for a car.

Thank you!

Just being Type 1 may not be enough.

Noooo. That pattern looks kinda neat up close, but makes my eyes bleed when it’s on the whole car. Looks more like an ugly couch than a race car.

Technically, yes, but many states don’t have emissions inspections, making the laws virtually unenforceable after the initial sale.

You can keep your Nissans, but thanks for the explodey stuff.

Never heard of it. Is that a small town in Tennessee?