
Which would mean Han married his niece. It’s no wonder Kylo Ren is so fucked up. The Star Wars galaxy is almost as bad as Kentucky.

Oh, no doubt. But they’re off to a great start. I read a report today that claimed they are actually up to $1.4B. If that’s true, they could be one rich guy away from hitting that target. And when you’ve got someone like Amazon telling the world that they have confidence in your company, it draws the right kind of

Don’t forget the remake the following year, Red Sparrow.

Tesla paid $42M for NUMMI and got none of the left over machinery. Rivian got theirs for $16M.

They reportedly raised $450M last year, so they are over the $1B mark. And they bought that old Mitsu plant for next to nothing, which came complete with some very large presses and stamping equipment. They plan to rent out that equipment to another parts manufacturer, which will also help raise revenue. They can

Yes. And get it delivered to your door with free 2-day shipping.

If they don’t have a checkbox for “Adaptive Cruise Control” or whatever the dealer can’t select that for their particular car to narrow the inventory field.

So that would make it a cm^2 button. Or if you look at it just right, a stylized mc^2 button. So by all rights it should cause the vehicle to explode with the energy of a mass-equivalent atomic bomb. I’m pretty good at math and science, so I know I’m right.

Especially since back in those days the intake and exhaust were on the same side of the engine. For a lot of engines, the intake and exhaust were, or seemed to be, made from a single casting. With the hot exhaust passing that close to the intake air, anything you could do to cool it down even a little bit had to make

When I said the 60s I meant the 2260s. ST2009 is set in that time as well, n’est pas?

There’s a really great Voyager documentary on Netflix as well, if you’ve got a couple hours to spare. The Farthest: Voyager in Space.

It was the 60s. Their rank was “female”. That’s all that really mattered until the Non-exclusively-male Rights Movement of the 2270s.

Combadges? They don’t need no steenking combadges!

the demand (which, I can’t believe exists)

Looks better on camera that way.

Whoa, Uranus Looks Totally Messed Up Right Now

Except on the highway, where it is awful.

And the numbers have gotten worse every year.

No. “Last Man” season one was really good and had an interesting premise. It quickly abandoned said premise and turned into a parody of a reality show where they lock a bunch of argumentative people in a house and “see what happens”.

Now playing

I mean, I guess Futurama fans, sure. But that door goes a little farther back than that.