
Screw all y’all. As far as I’m concerned its 265 degrees outside right now. Brrr. #Kelvin4ever

This is great news for those of us in the automation business.

I’m ok with this. If I’m paused, I probably got up to go to the bathroom and I’m not looking at the screen anyway. Everyone else that was watching with me just got their phones out and are staring at that screen.

Whatever pact with a timeless god Stewart has made to seemingly be incapable of aging

As someone who has a loved one who needed a transplant... twice... the lengths you will go to to literally save their life have no boundaries. Pride takes a backseat and you do what you gotta do. Dialysis is just a slow way to die.

Massachusetts is the South of the North.

Now wait just a minute here. You can’t hate puns on billboards AND love puns from Jalopnik commenters. Which is it? Do you secretly hate us?

Ass to toilet seat is acceptable.

Never doubt Doc Brown’s definitely not flawed science.

James Whitbrook’s got a bad motivator, look!

My first Champcar (then Chumpcar) race.

I, for one, am in full support of this performance SUV trend. In the name of superior performance, I predict that these go-fast SUVs will eventually get lower and wider and before you know it we’ll have a whole slew of... performance wagons.

as the old bulb is carried off by Mr. Hand

I suppose that’s true. But sadly, the ideal world still eludes us. The tax code is one of the most effective ways the government has of influencing behavior (that’s one reason why many in government oppose a flat tax, whether they admit to it or not). Take away the incentive for those behaviors, and watch what

That’s kind of what I’m afraid of. It didn’t affect the way I made donations in 2018 because I wasn’t really aware of the change or how it would impact me. I suspect others may have done the same. 2019 might be a different story now that we (they) know what’s up.

OK, first of all, thank you for these photos. They are awesome.

Seriously. I did a double-take when this happened to me. Not only is there no tax benefit to owning my home anymore, there’s no tax benefit to making charitable donations, either, unless I quadruple what I currently give each year. I can’t afford to do that.


Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

Formula E is the current standard of the world for competitive open wheel racing.