
Well, it was an urban legend until you came along. 

There are definitely similarities, but I would argue that there are distinct differences between the two. A hippie wouldn’t be caught dead with an iPhone, for one thing. Hippies also shaved more often. At least the men did. Hipsters aren’t looking for universal truth and happiness through free love and LSD.

Flashing headlights was never a “gang thing”. It was an urban legend.

NuSpock is more like space hipster than space hippie.

Here’s hoping we get some new space hippies to go along with our New Eden. Yea, brother.

As someone who just bought a mid-size truck, no. They may not be much cheaper, but they are still cheaper. And they may not be much smaller, but they are smaller, even if by only a couple inches. For some of us, those inches matter (that’s what she said (rimshot)).

Maybe, but why else would they bother flipping it horizontally?

Agreed. Both Tron movies may not have been the greatest movies ever made, but they were far from bad, and a real visual treat. Still makes me sad we’ll never get a third.

Hard to believe no one else has seen this yet. It’s a C, for Cadillac, and that’s good enough for me.

So because it only hoses a small minority of people, it’s ok?

I remember reading his books when I was a kid.

I was all in until I got to the Rhinoliner. That’s something you do to a vehicle you’re gonna go beat on, or you’re hiding something. This example is one you’d show off, not take off road. If you’re gonna show it off, you don’t want the Rhinoliner. If you’re gonna off-road it, you don’t want one in this condition and

She’s got, as Eleanor so eloquently put it, a “rockin’ bod”. Which I have to agree with. However, the Jay Leno chin is almost a deal breaker.

Big GnR fan back in those days. Appetite for Destruction was like nothing our young ears had ever heard. I had to be careful when I listened to it so that my parents didn’t catch me. That was part of the appeal, I suppose. Lies was... weird, but hey it wasn’t a “real” album so that was ok. Use Your Illusion was two

Not only is this article over three years old, but we already had this discussion way back then. Thanks for playing.

If they do unveil it at NAIAS, they are totally gonna do to the Supra what the Ford GT did to the NSX.

Right on. I hope my situation is in the minority, but it highlights the fact that, especially where health care is concerned, there is no one size fits all solution.

Why is Earth being invaded by ships that look like Spaceball 1?

That’s the big secret... like Fury’s pager, it only looks like BREW on the outside. There’s a whole top secret prototype Jarvis II operating system running underneath because comic booooooook (movie)!