
Same reason he drives an Audi. Sponsorship, baby!

Urgent cares don’t want to take responsibility for anything. That’s part of the problem. My wife has a number of health issues, and because of that they won’t even see her for the smallest of things. We try to avoid going to the ER because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? But every time we’ve tried an urgent

Now there’s a deal I can get behind.

Hey man, you don’t become a billionaire philanthropist playboy by blowing your wad on the newest $1000 iPhone every year. You gotta be thrifty somewhere.

I’m sure some of them are, but not where I live. Here’s a typical case of mine: I went in to the local Urgent Care feeling dizzy and light headed, slightly nauseous. Not an emergency, but I felt like it was something I didn’t want to wait a couple of days for an appointment with my PCP. Reasonable, right? After a

While you are right about not going straight to the ER, don’t expect much from an Urgent Care either. The doctors there, at least the urgent cares near me, are bottom-of-the barrel. Like, barely made it through med school bad.

It’s partially correct. Which is more correct than the guy I responded to. Although not as correct as you are. You, of course:

This is the jack you really want. That’s not his name, though, as we are so eloquently reminded.

It’s a tax “credit” not a tax “deduction”. That means you get the entire amount back regardless of income.


I’d certainly take that offer if I was the seller.

Well, it’s your money/time/effort. Go for it.

I can think of a lot easier ways to make $500. Even after spending many, many hours cleaning that thing up, you’re still stuck with a non-running car with no title that you somehow have to offload. It’ll probably look like that again before you find a sucker dumb enough to drop a grand on your now-polished turd.

Anything more than scrap value is too much for this car. I’d go $200 at best. It’ll make a fine LeMons or Chump racer, but it will take a lot to even get it there.

Oh sure it is. You just have to know where to look:

Pfft. Reading is for suckers. Here at The Internet we specialize in making snap judgments based on the minimum information possible.

It should be noted that the price of the Cruze includes incentives that you may or may not qualify for, particularly the Lease Loyalty or Conquest. So for a lot of people, that price is about 20% higher. Still not a bad deal, but buyer beware.

I’m no fan of the incumbent, but HBO may have a tough time with an infringement suit here. I’ll let Wired break it down for you:

A potentially easier option that is less likely to result in fisticuffs with a wifebeater-wearing Teddy Brosevelt would be to block the truck in with the car and use an extension cord to reach the charging station.

Thanks for making us all look at it twice.