
Seriously. He may have written some great songs in his time, but when it comes to the Wonder Woman theme... man, he really phoned that one in.

I never understood why people get so hung up about security in a convertible. If someone wants into your car... any car... they’ll just pick up a rock and break a window.

Nailed it.

Better yet... which car most closely resembles Harpo Marx?

Also notable that that car probably wouldn’t exist if not for Karl Marx.

Horrible cover of Blow My Fuse. Otherwise, sign me up. This looks awesome.

I can see the similarity, too, but don’t you think it’s more likely Suzuki is paying tribute to one of their own past products rather than Toyota’s?

a one-opening grille with a honeycomb pattern that feels a lot like an old Toyota Land Cruiser grille

So here’s the thing: I didn’t get it on Twitter, I found it on one of the other billion websites that posted the image, including this one. It’s not my fault or my problem if you missed it the first time. It’s just your tough luck. I mean, really, if your goal is to avoid every publicly available piece of information

It’s not a spoiler if it’s already public knowledge. Just your tough luck. Sorry, pal. Believe me, if I knew something that was actually a spoiler, like if I was actually privy to info about the movie that no one else is supposed to know, I’d be way too smug about it to spread it on io9.

It’s real. Confirmed Pepper Potts is really a Dalek/Skrull. The DW New Years Special is a crossover event with Endgame. Also, Paltrow tweeted that image a long time ago, so I guess she’s a dick, too.

Pepper pot... wut? Spoiler alert.

Are you worried about cultural appropriation of a Canadian character? That’s a little weird. Does Canada have a culture beyond hockey, beer, moose, and the word “eh”?

I don’t spel so gud.

Canadian + Scandanavian = Cadanavian.

The Tamiya labels are user-applied as well, but still appear as “Champior” spark plugs and “Mopil” oil. Or some such things.

Some of that has to do with trademark and copyright licensing. Tamiya did the same thing for the reissues of their old 1980s RC cars. The originals had decals with racing sponsors like Champion and Pennzoil, but the reissues have some of them replaced with “similar” looking names and logos instead. Not because of

That livery is where the flavor is.

He barely needs a costume. They could just make him the galaxy’s tallest Ugnaught and call it a day.

Kill your enemies with cuteness.