
Even if they do come back, they probably won’t look anything like the Netflix shows we know. That includes different actors. Disney has said they want the streaming service to be family-friendly, and they are going to have a had time doing that with the same iteration of those characters, especially Jessica Jones. I

Hodson freed herself from the constant struggle to maintain continuity between the timelines

This started out sounding a lot like my first Chumpcar experience. Then it got scarier.

They needz moar dumbs.

We can forgive that, since no one in their right mind would drop a 250 off a cliff.

Awesome! Thanks for the tip!


People are already more dumb. EVs will just expose the truthiness.

No kids, so thankfully I only have the financial aspect to worry about. There was a company that made a CV conversion kit (Canley, I think?), but it looks like the market dried up and they are no longer in production. I’ve heard some people are using Corvair axles? Is that right?

I know of no one who doesn’t stick their maintenance bills/records in the glovebox. If nothing’s there, I assume it’s because s/he’s hiding something.

God help me, my current life goal is to have one of these and go vintage racing in it. I need therapy.

I’m totally on board with a Skeksis that sounds suspiciously like The Joker having a heated conversation with an executive transvestite Gelfling.

The technically correct (the best kind of correct) response would be that he would not have had to make any correction at all, had the spike strips not been there. Therefore, from my point of view, the spike strips and thus the police, did cause the accident.

Clearly the second part of that is meant to be sarcastic. Can’t tell if serious about the first part though.

I award this seller 9,999 internet points for what is probably the best CL ad I’ve seen in a very long time. Detailed info, good pictures, no bullshit. Unfortunately, I still think it’s a crack pipe at this price. Also, I really hope that white smoke coming from the exhaust is a result of a cold, SW Ohio morning and

What really struck me was the way Kylo said “please”. From reading the script it could be interpreted in many different ways, but Driver really let the desperation come through the way he said it. He doesn’t just want her by his side, he needs her. He’s insecure about his place and his power, just as she is.

Being rude, unfriendly, and confrontational is certainly not the best way for a customer to approach a salesman (or anyone for that matter). It’s unfortunate that you have to deal with that. However, people in your chosen profession have cultivated a reputation for being sleazy and untrustworthy for the better part of

I think you have them confused with NASCAR. FE circuits have both kinds of turns.

Calling this a conspiracy is a bit of a stretch.

the dealership selling it has some pretty bad reviews