
Only during Pon farr. Otherwise it’s like fucking an Amish.

A Vulcan and a Human raised like a Vulcan

Kinja has some weird errors sometimes. For me, it shows David Tracy recommending someone buy a Prius.

Even animated characters have a gender, unless they fall into one of the aforementioned asexual categories.

In my area the light turns green. Then we wait 3-5 seconds to wait for people to finish running the red light to turn left in front of us. Then we slowly accelerate to 5 mph under the speed limit.

Those yellow signs with an indicated speed in curves are not enforceable “speed limit” signs. They are recommended speeds, most are laughably low. They have little basis in reality, especially for a modern car, and you can’t get a ticket for exceeding that speed.

The bar graph’s use of the term “non female led” instead of “male led” would imply that the comparison also includes robot-led, bacteria-led, and possibly alien-led if that species includes a third gender or one that does not qualify as female.

Sounds like more fun than my commute.

So you’re not the only one to say that.

You know the Sharks vs. the Jets, but what about the Sharks vs. the Sea Lions?

No title = parts car or race car. Otherwise, hard pass. Especially if it was last titled to the person the seller bought (or stole) it from.

we all accelerate much faster than we used to

Everyone knows the Essential Phone had the notch first. Quit trying to make it sound like BMW invented it.

Mac and Me wasn’t half as bad as its reputation


What if there was an odd number of living things in the universe prior to the snap? Would the Infinity Stones round up or down?

Earth is the only flat planet.

Na-na-na-na-na-na-na Ant Van!!!!!!!

Also, it wouldn’t be the internet without humorless pedants.