
I thought we all agreed to call this the Ant-Van.

Definitely wasn’t lupus.

yeah, but the back mirror isn’t critical. Take the mirror off and you’ll do just fine. Ranking the direction of view in your car from most important to least, it would be 1. Forward, 2. Left and right (tie), and a distant 3. Rear. Truck drivers are very experienced with this concept. There’s no reason why anyone else

The internet wouldn’t be the internet if we didn’t have people who get mad at colors.

He’s either a light spring jacket, or his Decepticon nemesis is a Mustang named Beano.

Unless your name is Cotton Hill. And you got yer shins blowed off in Dubya Dubya Two.

We are getting this in the movie. Will he transform into a ghetto blaster? I sure hope so...

I just watched an old episode of CSI where a bus crashed into a Camaro and crushed it. The car they used for the shots of the car in motion during the collision was a third-gen, but the crushed car used in the static shots was a second-gen. 

$4K sounds like an “I know what I have. I can part it out for more than that” price.

Cute, but no. Chevy owner.

Not really very clever, but appropriate. Now put down your damn phone and get off my lawn.

Do you also love it when F150 and Silverado owners do it? Or do they get a pass? 

Well that explains it. I always thought Gen Y and Millenials were different. What’s the unofficial nomenclature for the current young-uns? Lazy Punks? Whipper-snappers? the iGeneration?

So I know these generational definitions are somewhat fluid, but it was always my understanding that Millenials were a generation after Gen Y. Like, kids who are currently in high school or college. Gen X had their formative years in the 70s and 80s, Gen Y in the 90's and 2000s, Millenials are the current crop of

Hold on... two Supermans (men)? This could get interesting...

As a fellow Gen X-er, you’re right, the aforementioned “millenial nostalgia” is a generation or so off. This auction speaks to our nostalgia, not theirs.

They want someone who can do both: “Strong 2D sketching skills; digital and analogue.”

I was 100% with you until you started listing minority politicians. I don’t understand what that has to do with anything.

That last one’s easy... it looks like a pager, but it’s really a pager.