
I would. Imagine how much naptime you could get in. The drawback is that you have to remember to get a box of donuts before you head out for work in the morning, since the closest Dunkin is probably a few hours away.

How many times will it take for me to get the horns on there perfectly straight? Probably a million.

Plus, they work for gruel. “Please sir, may have have some more?” That cute cockney accent cracks me up every time.

I know right? Which makes it all the more amazing that this car wore Ohio license plates. I suspect it lived most of its life elsewhere...

How about completely non-existent? I was alive back then, and one of the few to survive the side-intrusion-ocalypse.

Probably Freddy? Sometimes kids that age carry money. Believe it or not, some even have jobs...

I saw one of these on the highway headed into Cincinnati last week. Not quite in as good a condition, but good enough that I commented to my wife that “damn, you sure don’t see those around in decent shape anymore! It’s amazing how freaking tiny they were back then, especially next to the behemoths they are these days.

Which, if you ask me, was a good-looking car, and still is. Just too bad the bite didn’t match the bark.

Probably, since sea sickness and motion sickness are the same thing.

I’m still waiting for the fourth Indiana Jones movie.

It’s not invisible. That’s the Lotus submarine.

I never said it wasn’t a sport or a valid form of competition. Just that it isn’t racing.

I’m having knee surgery in two weeks, and I’m also looking for a new car. If things go awry, no third pedal could put this on my short list.

That’s when I just quit and restart the race. ;-)

Walk out the door.

I usually just press “Y” and try that corner again.

At least it wasn’t Nickelback. Or maybe it was. I can’t tell them apart tbh.

It was the 60's.

Cumberbatch is definitely NOT Khan.

THIS is racing.