
And he would have gotten away with it, too, if wasn’t for those meddling Allies!

See that’s where I have to admit my ignorance... I was unaware that speed was a factor at all. I was under the impression that it was 100% based on style points and other subjective factors. Maybe FD is different than the drifting stuff I see at my local venue? Either way, thanks for the edumacation. I smarter now.

We took pride in the fact that other motorsports thought what we were doing was stupid and pointless.

I’ve got one, too. Both of us race them. Still a chick car?

Exactly. This is racing:

They do, but they call it a Royale with Cream Filling.

My car is totaled and splintered into a thousand pieces, both legs shattered and I’m going to be late for bowling practice. But thank God my seats won’t show that stain!

My wife, who regularly does the grocery shopping in her NC Miata, would beg to differ.

That’s where they start... it’s not where they end up.

“Enthusiasts can use this as a strategy to cast doubt on what we know today about Nazism,”

If you have issue with the realistic portrayal of physics in movies, you should probably just avoid this one. In fact, superhero movies in general should be avoided. In fact, just don’t go to the movies. Or watch TV.

In the latest clip, Wasp uppercuts a van an SUV (with another van) during a car chase with Walton Goggins.

It’s a joke. Lighten up, Francis.

Sometimes I wonder if they can think, period.

My wife says she sleeps next to a snorer. I don’t know who that guy is, but if I ever see him, I’m gonna kick his ass.

You can’t drive a Porsche if you spent all your money on a McMansion, and the Resistance has a terrible credit score. They spent all their cash on shiny X-Wings to satisfy that prima donna, Poe Dameron. Had no money left for anything but poorly designed bombers. Makes sense to me.

Whatever. The point is that ships that shouldn’t be able to fly in atmosphere have been shown to do so as far back as ESB, and even in ANH if you count X-Wings taking off from Yavin to attack the Death Star. So those that criticize the new trilogy for this should STFU.

My wife and I both have a pair of these, the bluetooth variety. less than half the cost of the Bose buds, work great, sound great, stay on your head all night, and are perfectly comfortable to sleep in.

Hey, man, the Resistance had to use what they could get. Lousy designs or not. They aren’t exactly well funded, and those arms dealers on Canto Bight are not a charity.