
I guess. But I’ll take dense over being a jerk any day.

Uh... no. Other end.

I mean, if you’re going to a) shoot your video vertically, and b) not hold the camera still... why even bother taking video at all?

Dear God, for a minute there I thought Patton Oswalt was the Golden State Killer. Also that he looks really good for a 72 year old.

Aw, that’s cute. He thinks he’s people!

I would pay good money to see a xenomorph rip Sheldon to pieces. Or Leonard. I can’t remember which is which. Doesn’t matter. They both suck. In fact, just kill the whole lot them in gruesome ways and you’ll have my money.

Is that counting the steering wheel or the spare?

It’s like an evolution of the Lancer into crossover form... a Lancer Evolution X, if you will.

Other than being a coupe and having a greenhouse that looks just like every other coupe of that era... no, it doesn’t look anything like a Celica. You’d have to be both drunk and nearly blind to mistake the two.

Very simple: after cooking the bacon, scramble some eggs directly in the leftover fat. Works even better using seasoned sausage grease.

Out of stock again, but available on May the 4th!

Out of stock again, but available on May the 4th!

I just started getting into watching racing fairly recently, I don’t have cable, and I live in the US. So anytime I actually get to watch F1 it’s “good”. That said, I prefer watching IMSA or Australian V8 Supercars. Seeing the SCCA Runoffs televised was also really cool.

NdGT and I aren’t that far apart in age. So “his day” and “my day” are roughly the same day. And back then, we used “awesome” to describe pretty much everything cool. Just like we do today. In fact, I think it started sometime in the early 60s. Which was probably just prior to NdGT’s “day”.

And robots. Don’t forget robots.

It’s even sadder that you felt you needed to be an asshole. I don’t know who pissed in your Wheaties this morning, but I was just trying to strike up a friendly nerd conversation about something that crossed my mind. Please do us all a favor next time and keep your shitty attitude in check before you post hateful

Far lesser things have “fooled” cops into pulling out a gun and opening fire. I’m far from a gun control nut, but it seems like a prudent thing to do would be to make this thing look a lot less like a firearm if it were to be used by civilians.

Your buddy did the right thing. Is it a crime to walk around in women’s underwear covered in poop? Maybe somewhere, but probably not in LA.

I’m assuming a situation where the statement is plausible, rather than assuming one that is not. Both are equally valid, but mine is more fun.

Also, the women’s luggage allotment is twice that of the man

But that’s the problem, as clearly identified in the movie. You can’t guarantee that the monarch will be a good guy, or be a good guy forever. The idea of a benevolent dictator has often been lauded as an ideal form of government by many a philosopher. But when you legally hand that power to someone with bad