
But the one dude with power made all the decisions... ultimately the council was powerless to stop Killmonger. They had no veto power, no checks and balances, no impeachment procedure (other than another challenge, I suppose, but that only seems valid when the sitting king dies or there’s a question of validity, which

As predicted, this whole exercise has nothing to do with anyone actually getting answers of solving any problems, and everything to do with each Congressperson getting a little TV face time, blog quotes, and soundbites of them berating the current villain of the moment.

I wouldn’t say I’m forgetting it, I just didn’t think that was relevant to how their government works. Shuri may run that aspect of their society, but T’Challa is still her boss. When there was a power vacuum, the line of succession fell to T’Challa, not Shuri, and not their mother. It may not be definitive, but it

First of all, let’s get one thing straight. I though it was a very enjoyable movie, and my observation was one intended to start a fun nerdy conversation, not to piss anyone off. So if that’s where your rebuttal is coming from, let’s just end it right here. If not, then lets continue...

That Geo has at least two good rallycrosses in it before it explodes.

But it did remain that way at the end of the movie! That’s one thing that didn’t change. T’Challa is still king and they didn’t change their form of government at all. He didn’t call for special elections or form a council of representatives or anything.

please elaborate.

Does it bother anyone else that the most technologically and (supposedly) intellectually advanced human civilization in the MCU is a patriarchal dictatorship whose leader is sometimes decided by which guy can beat up the other guy?

Of course! But the occupants could be wearing spacesuits. Maybe the window is in an airlock so that only the object throwee is in danger.

Exactly what I was getting at. In such a case where the planet has no atmosphere, the object could be “thrown out a window”, “hit the ground”, and no wind resistance or terminal velocity would be applicable, making the original statement in the article 100% valid.

Is the window on Earth? That’s an assumption you’re making. What if it’s a window on a spaceship flying past a planet with no atmosphere?

You’re making the assumption that “ground” is the surface of a planet with an atmosphere. An object can, in fact, “hit the ground” on the moon and be “in a vacuum”.

Obviously wasn’t paying attention. But that has nothing to do with speed vs. road conditions. One should always pay attention regardless of conditions.

I lernd to rite in collage.

Horsepowers. Plural.

But did you dye your hair pink?

If by “road conditions” you mean “car suddenly and unexpectedly parked in the middle of it”, then yes. Too fast for road conditions. But then, anything above walking speed would be too fast for those road conditions.

Too bad you didn’t come forward with this information 6 years ago. You could have dyed your hair pink and become famous.

I’ll add you to the writers pool.

They should have just called it “Fuck you, Jaws. Ours is bigger.”