
Eh, maybe. A test tube baby is still human, and a cloned sheep is still a sheep. I suppose if his DNA had been altered sufficiently that he could no longer mate with human female and produce viable offspring, he would not be human. I kinda doubt that’s the case.

That occurred to me right after I typed it! Glad to see someone caught it!

Pedantic, I know, but some of those aren’t aliens. Khan, Ripley, Mal Reynolds... all human. You could even argue that the Planet of the Apes character isn’t an alien, since he’s still a native Earthling.

Yeah... no. We don’t need him reprising the dull torture that was the AI voice in Destiny.

What, you can’t get drunk and watch a race at the same time?

There is no border between West Virginia and North Carolina. Virginia is in the way. To drive from even the southernmost tip of WV to Charlotte would take about 4 hours.

That was a great moment. One of my wife’s favorite shows. I happened to be in the room when she was watching at that moment. I laughed my ass off, and spent the next ten minutes explaining why. She still thinks I’m weird, but it got her to watch Firefly.

Quit eating Tide pods and go buy an R8 already. Sheesh.

Nah, he was a GM guy. I heard he was into Corvettes. Especially little red ones.

Probably not Donna. She wouldn’t fit. #nofatchicks

Tony Stark drove an R8. And an NSX.

I know. It was more a comment on the absurdity of the statement itself, seemingly legitimizing “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV” as a bonafide qualification.

I just saw one of these in person, on the road for the first time opn my way home from work today.

But as the portrayer of the one-time captain of the USS Enterprise, I’d like to think he knows at least something about space.

These aren’t so crazy after you realize that kids eating Tide pods for fun is a real thing.

God had nothing to do with it. After all, what does God need with a starship?

Shot in the back by Soran. Which, as bad as his death scene ended up being, would probably have been worse.

What if the garage is made of wood? Asking for a friend...

I chuckled. I shouldn’t have, but I did.