
The “batman” voice sure sounds a lot like the guy who did Batman:The Animated Series.

Welcome to the internet, where no one reads anything before criticizing it. For the record, I have no issue with your characterization of porgs. I just thought your attitude sucked. Hope you had a better day today.

Well, yeah, but that doesn’t really mean anything.

And now, Axl Rose is the Dan Quayle of the music industry.

I mean, it may not have been super awesome top quality CGI. But it made me smile and brightened my day. I’m sorry that it had the opposite effect on yours.

This makes me happy. And makes me want to watch this show.

I haven’t seen or know much about this show, but someone please tell me that the character Rufus was at least named in tribute to another famous time traveler...

It’s a shrubbery. Ni!

Those nightstands aren’t bolted to the floor, you know. Or maybe they are in the hotels you stay in. I dunno.

Those nightstands aren’t bolted to the floor, you know. Or maybe they are in the hotels you stay in. I dunno.

Everyone hated season 5. That’s kind of what I’m talking about. It was supposed to end after 4, but surprise! It got renewed, and the writers were like, now what? The rest is history.

Offend? No, you didn’t offend anyone. You just came across as being intensely bitter and angry over a totally innocuous video. You sound like someone that needs a vacation or at least a Xanax or something.

Agents of SHIELD: If you’re writing it as the end, please just make this be the end. We don’t want another Babylon 5 fiasco.

Why are all the backgrounds black except Groot? This must MEAN SOMETHING!!!

No, the LAW is arguably ambiguous, and is open to interpretation. The terms “reckless driving”, “stunting”, etc. are legally ambiguous terms that can mean different things depending on how a judge might choose to interpret them. Now, should the officer in the case have cited the cyclist in this case? Yes, clearly.

Dude. Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?

I get your point, but the cop racing the Lambo was actively breaking the law. This one is choosing not to enforce one that is arguably ambiguous. Big difference.

Your mom is wire fraud.

“It’s not in the dictionary so it’s wrong” is a sentence that should die.

I race a Cha(u)mpcar that has a working passenger door, but the drivers door is welded shut. So to get in/out, you have to go all Dukes of Hazzard.

Not to me. For an overnight trip or a weekend getaway, it’s perfectly acceptable. I never planned to make this a yearly pilgrimage to NAIAS, I just want to go once. But I’m not interested in risking my life and my car to do it.