
what Jeep?

It’s always turned me off. I only live 4 or 5 hours south of Detroit, but every year I’m like “I’m going to the auto show this year!” But then January happens, I look at the weather and the roads and I’m like “fuck this. I’ll just look at the pictures on Jalopnik instead”.

Do you want penguins? Cuz that’s how you get penguins.

So you have to make sure that you’re not going to have a little accident. And that is my biggest fear in this world is that they’re going to pull the suit off me one day and be disgusted by the aroma.

Kill me if you must, but for God’s sake let me take a selfie with you first!

Well, if you have to nuke something, Florida is as good a choice as any.

The real reason is that they wanted to give those cars a place to play where they don’t have to worry about getting their asses handed to them by ND Miatas.

That’s only applicable for cars that are grounded to the ground.

Sadly, it could apply to many episodes of our beloved franchise.

Star Trek, when the episode sucked.

I think it’s interesting that the casting of Minn-Erva for the Captain Marvel movie was announced on the same day that a rumor about a character named Barbara Ann Minerva in Wonder Woman 2 suddenly appeared. I have to wonder if the rumor mill didn’t get something mixed up.

How exactly is this site different from FarmersOnly.com? (Except for being a more blatant haven for the racist dating scene, of course)

Now playing

Yoo’ve got tae eat, Aggie. if ye dornt eat, ye cannae shite, if ye cannae shite yoo’ll die.

Need a vehicle from which to sell sweet potatoes? You know the answer...

Now I want a scientific paper on extreme celery.

They are slow. If they were fast, they’d be racers.

Seriously. I mean when was the last time you saw turquoise DNA?

Oh good. Finally I can use eggplant + DNA instead of typing out 8====D——

This looks exactly the same as every other halo prototype design we’ve seen up to this point. I am having a hard time understanding why those were all the ugliest thing on the face of the earth and omg tradition the end of F1 as we know it and we’re all gonna die, but this “doesn’t look bad after all.”

It’s what happens when an Exocet makes sweet love with an ultralight.