
5) The “steering issue”, presumably, was that the pilot tried to steer to avoid the building, but the aircraft had issue with that.

Neutral: Not much, really. As long as you’re not financing a huge dollar amount, the difference in money shelled out for interest between a couple percentage points isn’t terribly significant. Not when compared to the size of the loan, anyway. It’ll make me choose one lender over another, or cash back vs low rate, but

What part of ‘Merica are you from? For real ‘Mericans it’s ‘Busa or bust.

The Grim Reaper was pretty damn funny, though. I’ll give you that.

Yes it was. A real classic. Fun for all ages, quotable, and endlessly rewatchable. Too bad their next journey was bogus.

Your mom is a pipe dragon.

That the colors assigned to political parties are arbitrary at best? I mean, Liberal philosophy is closer to communism than conservatism is, so the Dems really should be red if we’re using that comparison. But since those color assignments are meaningless unless, like the Smurf analogy, you want to read more into it

It’s Ayn Rand-ian in the same way the The Smurfs is a secret Communist anti-semitic manifesto. Meaning it isn’t, unless you read more into it than what is actually there. But it’s fun to think about.

Isn’t it obvious?

So what we really need are some hi-res stills of the Roadster in space. Big enough for dual and triple monitor wallpaper, please. Thanks in advance.

So it will be Star Wars, soft-core porn style.

a larger space-transportation system called the Big Falcon Rocket (BFR for short)

Good point. Still, she drops by the Disco pretty often. There doesn’t even seem to be much paperwork involved with these things in the Trek universe.

Well, they’ve got an Admiral on board now, so...

That just looks like a typical winter Tuesday morning in Boston.

I just wanted to clime in to say that I’m also roughly the same age as you.

One could easily make the case to simply never buy a Jeep Compass at all, new or used.

Did you miss the also ChrisEvans-less season last year? It was good. I recommend watching if you did.

This one took me a minute to notice. Because my first thought was “Look at that fancy high-tech digital dashboard... with an old-fashioned mechanical auto tranny position indicator. Surely that’s what Torch was going for... oh, wait...”

There’s really no other way to justify paying people with the exact same job different amounts of money.