
Are you? Are you really?

5th Gear: Bring Back The Jeepster

The robot isn’t smart or dexterous enough to reach in and around the suspension to place the bolts where they need to go, May said

I seem to remember something along those lines, too. But then he’s also got that whole “I don’t believe in science” thing going for him. So I’m not really sure where this guy stands exactly, other than squarely in the nutjob category.

Is there a club where I can have one sent to me every month? I want to join.

I only see parts of my old AW11 running around every summer at a local autocross. It was used as part of a pair of clapped out MR2s to make one good one. It makes me sad and happy at the same time.

observing the curvature of the Earth requires one rise some 35,000 feet (10,700 meters) above the ground.

That’s why a straight-up porno is the best way to go here.

You have a point. They really should just make it a porno and call it a day. It’s the only way to do the franchise justice and avoid that kind of criticism. I mean, no one expects a porno NOT to be exploitative anyway.

Well, you’re right about it being the wrong time. I can’t imagine a movie about a blatantly sexist pop icon being greenlit in the #MeToo era.

You know who we need involved with this? Bruce Campbell. No one does intentional camp better.

If ever there as a franchise perfectly suited to be adapted to film by Michael Bay and his ilk, it’s Duke Nukem. Short on plot, heavy on the blow shit up. Add a halfway decent writer that gets the tongue-in-cheek misogynistic bathroom humor and we’re in business.

I thought it might have, but I couldn’t remember either. Was hoping someone would have brought that up by now if that were the case...

Oh, snap.

One can’t. It’s 50% guesswork, and 50% making what stats are available say what you want them to say.

I guess they’re going to CGI the eyepatch onto Fury like they did with Thor? Or is he wearing a glass eye now?

I thought that’s what the Caretakers were for. You know, to take care of things.

Right? I mean, they can travel faster than light and have magical space wizards, but the best hologram they can come up with looks like a staticy black-and-white TV from 1954.

“Page-turners, they are not”