
Because fruit makes it good for you.

I dunno. I just can’t see Chris Meloni playing a cop. Doesn’t seem right for the part.

Excellent argument, but sadly it falls short of convincing me to abandon the nougaty goodness. All for one, and one for all.

I agree with Chunk. Top three.

I would at least expect it to speak Chinese, not French.

“The appraisal will be independent, so you can trust their valuation.” (like hell. Appraisers who don’t play ball with lenders don’t get hired to do “independent” appraisals later, so they’ll value the house at exactly the price the lender wants it valued at.)

Reading “OCPD makes me think of this:

This is The Internet. We’ll just abbreviate it like we do everything else.

Same thing they are doing now, just with actual documented language they can point to.

Disagree. I guarantee you this HOA has a very specific rule against lawn ornaments, and doing so would just give them MORE leverage to force him to remove it. HOAs hate lawn ornaments. Pink flamingos, inflatable Santas... tanks...

Atlases. It’s Greek, not Latin. Or, if you REALLY wanna be technical about it... Atlantes would be the plural in Greek. But we speak English ‘round these here parts, so Atlases.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and Amy Adams will recreate the spoken word rendition of “Can You Read My Mind”. A beautiful song, but that version was tragic. Although it would have been worse if Margot Kidder had actually tried to sing it.

Wish I could take credit for making it.

That’s what I get for being too drunk or stoned to Kinja properly.

Since pretty much day one, SNL has been 99% garbage except for an occasional gem. If it didn’t air in its current time slot, where it’s target audience is too drunk or stoned to think straight, it wouldn’t have lasted past Bass-O-Matic ‘76.

I mean, they mangled English pretty decently, too, so...

You’re probably right. An Econoline would look far more badass on TV anyway. More like the A-Team van. Can’t see them using a Transit, but it wouldn’t shock me. Econoline just has that retro-cool pulled-from-the-junkyard Punisher feel to it that a Transit just wouldn’t.

Yes indeed! A RWD body-on-frame minivan is most definitely the choice of a discerning gearhead. I recall when Ford discontinued it, people threw a fit because it was the only van of its size (the Astro being considerable larger) that was RWD and could serve as a real tow vehicle. Ford extended production for another

had you followed the link: