
Have fun trying to keep that white interior clean!

Big Oil doesn’t want you to see this video.

It just goes to show that, quite often, speed limits are not set by the road conditions, but by bean-counters, politicians, or that loudmouth at the city council meeting.

I know of several around me. As long as there’s no traffic. One is four lanes wide, straight as an arrow for at least three miles, and no median... limit varies between 35 and 45 mph.

Have you ever read about the DS9/B5 controversy between J. Michael Straczynski and Paramount? Pretty interesting if you haven’t.

I suspect you’re pretty young, but that’s just how TV was back then, and really up until pretty recently. No matter what happened during the hour or half-hour, we were always back to the status quo by the end. Sitcoms, dramas, everything. Didn’t matter, with the exception of maybe soap operas. This allowed writers and

Fine, but the dog stays with me. The DS9 DVD collection is all yours.

And the pilot is one of the better episodes from the first two seasons.

Nah. We both still agree that DS9 is terrible. I’ll keep her.

You’re right, and even TNG is hard to get started with because of that. The early episodes, in addition to being not so good, feature the same bad special effects and costumes that were prevalent in all 80s sci-fi TV. Season 3 on is much easier for a Trek noob to digest than 1 and 2.

It’s possible that TOS episodes didn’t make the list because:


Yeah, I mean, thankfully it was just one short scene and not the subject of the entire episode. That would have been really fucked up.

Totally caught that as well.

OK, first, I’d swear that’s the same room Dave Bowman was in as an old man at the end of 2001.

Bruce, please don’t hulk out while wearing this shirt. It’s too awesome to ruin.

Four dimensional, huh? Just what kind of storm are we talking about again?

The service ceiling of a 777 is about 43,000 ft. Yes, hurricanes can get taller than that, but don’t necessarily. It is absolutely within the realm of possibility for this plane to fly over a hurricane.

Chances are pretty good that this plane flew over the storm, not through it.