
Probably the only Ferrari in the world with a Jesus fish on it. Probably. Hopefully.

As for the Nimitz herself, she couldn’t have been around in 1942

I know, right? I had to hoist the Jolly Roger.

The point is that it’s old. And I didn’t know it was still around. Now I do. Glad to hear that you’re more well-versed in the current state of our fleet than I am. Also there was this movie where it went back in time. It was awesome. Kirk Douglas was in it, who is a person that I also recently found out is still

Wow, I didn’t realize the Nimitz was still operational. I mean, it’s been around since, what, roughly 1942?

I drive around with numbers and contingency stickers all over my car. It gets noticed, just like this does. You can indeed cut people off if you want, but you had better watch your ass around cops. Because they see you, too. In fact, driving a car decorated up like that means you might as well have a giant bullseye

I have a double-diagonal (Hard Dog HCHT). Not sure if that makes it more or less difficult. Maybe try reaching under the diagonal instead of over it. You really only need to lift the back a small amount, just enough to get it started so you can grab it with the other hand.

Sure you can! I can do it, even with a bad shoulder. Right hand: grab the center handle and pull up as much as you can. While holding that up, reach your left arm around the outside of the bar and grab the edge of the top. Pull up and ta da! Let me know how it goes...

That poor tree.

Aston Martin also once experimented with producing dog toys. Very expensive dog toys. They did not have the same kind of success as VW/Kong.

Ooooooorrrrr... get the soft top Miata, wait until you get to the next stoplight (because as long as you’re moving, you stay mostly dry), reach back, and pull the top up manually in less than 5 seconds.

Not sure if

Looks like the aftermath of an Avengers slash fiction orgy.

I like to think Jenkins’ cuff is bulletproof.

Wildcat or GTFO.

I would hate them for it, but that’s probably what they would have done. nothing against the Reatta (this time) but the car deserves a name that inspires mashing the throttle, not cruising along by the boardwalk.

Not doing that, just using him as an example of a differing opinion.

AW11 or GTFO.

Well, they are the directors of the two movies, and as such, directly influence the choices made for that character. It stands to reason that they are happy with their own work.

It certainly would have given the Miata a run for its money! They were thiiiiiiis close already.