
It would be really weird for a GM product to be rebranded as a Chrysler, don’t you think? Also, the Wildcat name has historical significance for that brand. And it sounds cool.

Nah. Screw that. I’ll wait and see. Just because one guy doesn’t like what’s been done with the character doesn’t mean squat. Granted, that one guy is the guy who plays said character, but he’s still one guy and one guy’s opinion. For all we know, he likes mushrooms on his pizza, too. I hate mushrooms on pizza.

When they came out, I liked the Solstice better. But I think the Sky has aged a lot better and now it’s my favorite. The Solstice looks dated to me these days while the Sky would still look at home in a showroom today.

I still can’t believe Leia is gone. <sniff>

I did a focus group once, and actually told the truth.

I like to think there are/were more people in those organizations than were present on that ship at the time.

You know, he’d blend right in with the Guavian Death Gang or Kanjiklub.

Agreed. Thanks for bringing up American Graffiti. That though crossed my mind as well!

The Refreshments fan in me gives you a star.

Yeah, that works, too. I think mine goes along with the thinking that young Han was a badass illegal drag racer in the 70s, racing for pinks, and one day ended up with a sweet Corellian freighter that can do .5 past light speed. (I know, he won it in a card game)

I’m totally getting this vibe from the new speeder...

I shudder to think just how much Fox News you had to watch in order to write this piece. You have a much stronger stomach than I.

You’re damn right.

I mean, that’s really not a stretch... he might have a tommy gun in the other hand...

I mean, Jan got pregnant. That’s proof that not everything about Toyota is boring all the time. Right?

I Googled for an image of it and came up short, so I assume it doesn’t exist because THE GOOGLE IS ALMIGHTY AND ALL-KNOWING PRAISE HIM. I do remember the cows, though. They made me LOL.

Is there a Cars version of a chicken he can chase?

OMG how many kittens have I killed? Hundreds?

Supergirl: That is by extremely far the absolute cleanest-looking alley and dumpster I have ever seen. My compliments to the janitorial crew.

Maybe it was her luggage.