
Pretty sure that was a Lambo, dude.

It’s really, really hard. Word is Blunt used a stunt double and her face was digitally mapped over top of the stand-in. It’s the only stunt in the whole movie that she didn’t do herself. That’s how hard it is. /notreally

No, but a giant riffle is ok.

No, this is fucking hair.

I’ve got nothing better to do right now...

A small sliver of it is, but Deal’s Gap is 300 miles away from the coast. And, technically speaking, the Tail of the Dragon proper ends at the Tennessee border, so depending on who you ask, it’s not even in NC.

“Meat Loaf” Two words.

Elon Musk is planning the largest refrigerator in the world. A “gigafridge”, if you will. Authorities in Greenland are reportedly offering massive tax breaks to locate the facility there.

I mean, it’s roughly the same distance from an ocean as Las Vegas. But ya know...

Deal’s Gap isn’t exactly “the coast”, but I get your point. :)

Honestly thought I was going to see the video of this happening. What is it with you Subie guys lately anyway? Trying to one-up the Mustang/C&C crowd or something?

Something something Donate Life something something

I do the same thing. Every time. Not once has it ever worked for getting me out of a ticket. I still do it, because it’s good practice to be respectful to authority (no matter how much of a dick the cop is) and not get shot by a nervous dude with a gun and a badge whose donut break you just interrupted.

Throw enough shit at a wall and something is bound to stick.

You’re right about infrastructure being a key factor. But most people cars in exactly the way you describe: short trips around town. An EV is actually a great option as a daily commuter vehicle for an awful lot of Americans. Even a Leaf’s relatively short range is enough to get to work and back, and then charge

Ugh. This so much. Dip never looks as good as it does on the internet. Gets dirty fast and is hard to clean. Getting it all off isn’t as easy as they say, either. The big parts peel off, sure. But getting the little bits of residue and overspray that gets into the cracks between panels? Pain. In. The. Ass.

Counter-counterpoint: Michigan license plate

That’s a horrible way to judge. I’m not saying I’m the greatest driver in the world, but my daily was rolled by a previous owner and it has the scars to prove it. That might say I’m a cheapskate for not buying a better looking car, but it says nothing about my driving ability.

Tastes like chicken.

If only some auto maker would come up with some sort of software that would automatically detect and enable those nannies when government safety and crash testing was being performed, but leave them turned off the rest of the time...