
but he’s got some pretty big shoes to fill.

Closer to caviar, but I get your point.

It’s clearly photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels. All 121 of them.

I guess you should have opted for brown hot pants.

I sincerely hope they do that. But not until the 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back.

Not as honest as Totally Crooked Bill’s Used Cars down the street.

The real question we need to ask is... what does the license plate mean?

If you had asked me back in November, I’d have said yes... :)

Are we actually seeing this before the people who are sitting there at the “live reveal”? Cuz I’ve been watching and all I’ve seen so far is blah, blah, blah, wifi, blah, blah, technobabble, blah, blah, marketing jargon, blah, blah, blah... and no car yet.

About 1.7-million people watched the holiday special on BBC America

From dealing with a loved one with lots of unusual medical conditions, I’ve learned that what affects a person one way is in no way guaranteed to affect someone else the same way. Sometimes it’s the exact opposite of what is expected. Medical science is pretty impressive sometimes, but it’s not infallible and doctors,

It doesn’t mean much, unfortunately. It does not mean that she’s gonna be ok. It simply means she’s not on the verge of death requiring immediate and constant attention. Other than that, all bets are off. She might recover, she might not. She might still be on a respirator, she might not. Personally, I would assume

Hope? Star Wars movies are built on hope. And money. Shitloads of money.

It’s not a cooling vent, it’s an exhaust port (right below the main port). You are correct that using the vacuum of space to cool something doesn’t make sense, since there is nothing in a vacuum (by definition) to conduct heat. However, venting what is surely environmentally-damaging exhaust fumes into space is

It’s not like they weren’t warned. I mean...

Just cancel it and pirate the whole series. That’s what 90% of people are gonna do, anyway.

Pray I don’t alter it further.

The only one who should be worried about that is Honda, since the factory warranty starts the day it was purchased, not the day it was built.

Thanks for clarifying. For a minute there I thought you had your local KKK chapter on speed dial.