
I didn’t. I just googled it, and that’s what came up before all the “legitimate” dictionary sites.

So I had to look up “gobby”:

Maybe your buddies over at Gizmodo know something?

This. More Harris, less Evans, please. In fact, all Harris, no Evans.

I can honestly say I was hoping for and pleased to see a close-up shot of that little fucker squashed into oblivion.

It just goes to show that you shouldn’t immediately criticize what you don’t understand. I was that way until the tongue-in-cheek aspect was explained to me. I still don’t really “get it” but I now tolerate and somewhat appreciate what I used to see as an affront to my car-loving nature.

Alternate title:

Let’s consult the oracle...

Reports are that it takes roughly four hours to shoot the studio bits. Some saying that was due to Evans being a douche, others saying that was normal for the old crew as well, so take that as you will. But to assume that there was only one take, or that Evans is rushed in some way is incorrect.

it’s not that it was too expensive, it was that I couldn’t afford it.

HHR was riding the retro trend and piggybacking the success of the PT Cruiser (love it or hate it, they sold a shitload of them). People saw them more as mini-SUVs than wagons.

The “problem” is that there’s always an excuse. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. CTS wagon? Too expensive. Magnum? It’s a Chrysler. No one wants to put their money where their mouth is, and thus... no wagons for us.

There are 1,000,000 Jalopnik reader who swear up and down that they would buy a brown manual wagon at the drop of a hat. Of those, 999,909 of them are either liars, broke, or have an unconvinced S.O. The other 91 bought one of these.

That makes it about as rare as a virgin’s queef

I thought she was supposed to be Lara Croft.

LeBlanc is rigid, but at least he’s likable and has potential to get better with time. Evans is just a douchebag, has always been a douchebag, and has potential only to continue being a douchebag or possibly become a bigger douchebag.

You’re right.

“Priceless” is a matter of opinion, and really just a euphemism for “stupidly expensive”. Everything has a value, and an entire industry is built around assigning those values. We call it the “insurance industry”.

Oh shit...

The car and all parts are offered in “AS IS” condition. If you listened to Steve Lehto like you’re supposed to, you’d know that you don’t have to say this.