
I’m pretty sure I’m in Infinity War.

Huh. You’re right. They merely state the rules they have in place, not whether or not they follow them. Good catch!

That’s correct. I wasn’t making any sort of judgement. Just stating a fact refuting the OP’s statement.

I wasn’t making any sort of judgement. Just stating a fact refuting the OP’s statement.

Actually they have. Especially in response to this controversy, they have denied the claims and attempted to reinforce their commitment to impartiality.

Dude, I put so much work into this thing. Don’t try to lowball me, I know what it’s worth.

For all our sakes, it was definitely good timing. Didn’t they always perform with socks over their junk, though?

What an unfortunate microphone placement.

I’m pretty sure it was done as a joke, tongue-in-cheek. I appreciate that kind of humor.

That’s not as much fun as my way.

Is this real?

He also had three (four? I can’t remember) movies in which to do what amounted to one thing. Phasma still has plenty of time to redeem herself.

Did he? Let’s see...

Is that the kid from Almost Famous?

CAFE + Chicken Tax = no small trucks for you. Sorry. Write your congressman. Sorry again since your letter will go straight into his trashcan.

That’s a rather “old school” view as far as trucks are concerned. They are no longer confined to being merely work vehicles, which is why extended cab/dual cab trucks with all that luxury and leather have become the norm. Why keep and pay for two vehicles when you can have one that can haul mulch and haul your family

Yes, and then in the next scene we see them all complain about how wildly inaccurate it is to the source material, and how none of it should be considered “canon”.

I think you ought to look up the definition of “censorship”, because it sure sounds like you’re an awfully big fan of it, despite your statement to the contrary.
