
The price of this bike, like anything else, has nothing to do with what it cost to build, and everything to do with what someone is willing to pay for it. Capitalism 101.

I’d have to say it’s my current winter beater, an 89 MR2. Or should I say, it was supposed to be my winter beater, because it’s seen maybe 150 miles all winter.

He’ll probably just get reincarnated... because that’s what Hawkpeople do. But yeah, that actor is more wooden than Groot.

That sums up the NFL quite nicely, and one of the reasons I quit watching it,

And if the company is successful, brings thousands of jobs into the state, along with the income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, supporting retail business, etc... it becomes hard to call that tax break a “loss”. Money isn’t everything.

This isn’t really a surprise coming from the man who also brought us Space Sex... I mean, SpaceX.

God dammit, Maverick! That’s three times!

That’s interesting, but I think you missed my point.

even when they aren’t giving what feels like a home run performance (I’m looking at your Fiorentino)

Next step... sample the incoming music and blast the same stuff back at the offending neighbor. The propagation delay due to processing time should be just enough to drive a person insane fairly quickly.

Darth Vader’s TIE was supposed to be a prototype Interceptor... or something.

Despite all the feminism and gender-equality talk, the only Wonder Woman movie tie-in action figure will be Steve Trevor.

Who do you think he is, Jack Harkness or something? Oh wait...

I’m just gonna throw this out there...

The real reason why this ending didn’t work was the suggestion that anything resembling common sense in Congress strains the boundaries of believability.

Oh shit. Now I really want to see a Thor/Hulk National Lampoon’s Vacation-style buddy road trip movie...

Wow. So by the time you got to work, it was time to go home! Convenient!

Even on a clear summer day, DC doesn’t look much better than that.

The Lord Jesus Christ Our Savior fights whoever and whatever he damn well pleases. Repent now for your blasphemy or be damned to the fiery depths of Hell!
