
Why can’t there be a lich in a show about zombies?

No, but he does want your soul.

Robert Kirkman discusses the fun of bringing Jesus to the series, and his zombie-fighting skills:

The biggest complaint about Superman Returns was that it was an all-around shitty movie, not that there was anything wrong with its “tone”.

Subarolla (j/k, I love these things)

Corolla Coupe

Corolla Hatchback

Corolla Van

Angry Corolla

I know! I hadn’t even gotten to that part yet when I left that comment! I actually commented right after I saw him drive over the oil, and had to go back and edit when I got to the phone call...


Right. Same guy that sells his cars on Craigslist complete with remarks like “Don’t got the title but you can get one real easy.” and “Runs great, probably just needs battery or clutch switch. Easy fix.”

Zero fucks were given with regards to what anyone else thinks of his taste (or lack of)

Yeah, I shouldn’t have called him dumb. That was pretty insensitive of me. He clearly needs help.

Dude also rode his motorcycle directly through that oil slick multiple times, and made a phone call while riding. I’d say he was pushing his luck as well. Not really sure which person in this video is dumber.

it’s a major award!

Anybody try dialing that phone number yet?

It’s not so much that, but we’re losing the wrong ones. Why couldn’t it have been Bieber instead of Lemmy?

If you squint, that kinda looks like a Hellcat logo.