
Inglorious Mutents?

Charles Dance has been cast in a mysterious, undisclosed role in the Paul Feig movie.

Alternate title: Jackass in Wisconsin is Bigger Jackass Than Originally Believed.

We ban cars.

My hero!

Could you maybe format those as lists... like, one theater per line... so it’s a little easier to read?

No. If it were, the Hello Kitty imagery would be a lot better.

Trying to make sense of anything that happens on Doctor Who outside of a single episode or season is futile. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

in fact he just knew how to play a stratocaster

Sonic Strainer.

You know what they say about blind squirrels and their nuts.

Obvious answer is obvious.

Turns out... they had JUST put the listing up for the car.

I’d say the Supreme Court provides plenty of grounding for my argument. I’m trying to help out you gun-haters. If you want to keep spinning your wheels pushing laws that are either unenforceable or have no impact on the situation and spouting rhetoric that makes you and your favorite politician feel good but has no

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Seeing Frigga’s lines presented like that was hilarious. Reminded me of this:

My point exactly.

Talking about gun control needs to start with talking about a Constitutional amendment. Otherwise you’re just blowing smoke. Like it or not, the 2nd Amendment has been tested, recently, in the Supreme Court and upheld as meaning that gun ownership is permitted. So, if you want to ban guns, you better start pushing for

So keep your bankroll lottery eat your salad day deathbed motorcade.

Weird, I know, but Tiny Music got me through a pretty rough time in my life. Seeing Velvet Revolver live, prior to the first album release, renewed my faith in rock and roll. STP was awesome. Velvet Revolver was awesome. RIP Scott.

It’s a fictional city in a fictional world. The writers could make it anywhere they want it to be. In fact, the movie writers could make it in a different part of the world than the comic writers if they felt like it. Hell, it could be on Mars.