
That must have been an interesting experience...


Forgive my ignorance, but why did that F-18 appear to have a Soviet red star on the vertical stabilizer?

That’s what I was getting at, yes.

The education level of the applicant is an indicator of his credit-worthiness. As is his taste in cars. For example, my bank will not finance a 2009 Jeep Compass for a millionaire with a doctorate in experimental brain surgery. However, I just might help the high school dropout working as a cashier at Walmart buy a

Great. Now I’m a racist bank. Thanks, Doug.

you made jokes about a 20+ year old, trying to get 20k$


Good point, but I still think it would take an awful lot of chrome-plated plastic to make much difference. Are there people out there that have that much bad taste? I don’t want to know the answer to that question.

You know who else had a great idea like that? George Lucas.

Even chrome plated interior bits are usually made of plastic. I doubt the coating would be a good enough conductor to make much of a difference. It would be like having a 4/0 cable in parallel with a 28AWG.

The conductive metal exterior provides the “path of least resistance” to the ground, making the interior a safe place to be.

They have so many other magical properties, I just assumed that was one of them.

Jessica Jones: I’m digging the theme song. 60s beatnik experimental jazz feel morphing into a wailing guitar solo... love. it.

So Kylo and Luke stand around in a hallway slowly waving their lightsabers near each other? As long as he (Jar Jar/Kylo) gets killed, I’m ok with this whole scenario.

Leafs? Not Leaves? Doug, are you from Toronto?

Hair gel.

Oh, I’m sure RR thought to put an automatic umbrella drying system inside the door structure. How do you think they got the car to weight 8000 lbs?

This car didn’t have enough triangles on it. They had to add the cover to provide the proper number of triangles. Triangles.

If you were looking for a useful truck, you bought something else. Plenty of options for weird people like you. This is for the hundreds of millions of people who like snazzy looking trucks, but don’t care if they are fast or useful or handle well or carry stuff or seat more than two people or tow anything or...