
Wait. Rey has a British accent, but Ren doesn’t? Which one is evil again?

Need this as a high-res image for desktop right meow.

I know. I only made the comment for the lols. Glad there’s at least one person here who lol’ed and doesn’t have a stick up their butt.

I sense a strange disturbance in the Force. As if millions of copyright lawyers suddenly cried out in glee.

And he keeps his helicopters under glass... because GENIUS!

FYI to all the responders: I’m referring to S&E as symbolic of all critics, not to those fine gentlemen specifically.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

Which is why I never listen to critics. I like what I like, and screw you Siskel & Ebert.

Never understood why this movie got the hate and poor reviews that it did. I loved it and all the wink, wink, nod, nod comic book superhero references. The way Bruce Willis’s rain slicker made him look like he was wearing a cape? Brilliant. Little things that that.

If you want to convince people your specialty is turning attractive people ugly, it’s a good choice.

The same reason Scorpion and Big Bang Theory are still on the air.

So if the family is “The Visions”, Virginia, Viv, Vin... I guess that makes The Vision’s first name “The”?

And we wouldn’t gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those meddling data analysts...

Get the mews up right meow!

“Goatfucker” starts with a G, so it’s still a possibility.

I think The Great Depression probably had a lot to do with that. When nobody but movie stars and Hitler can afford your cars, and they all want Duesenbergs, you have a problem.

*pt cruiser high five*

Probably could. At worst you could find a junkyard turbo manual and pull off the parts you need. Of course, it would probably still be a lot cheaper and easier to buy a plane ticket to wherever the closest fully-assembled car is, buy it there, and drive it home. :) I mean, they’re pretty rare, but not impossible to

Is this one ok with Disney still?

That’s what I would have preferred as well... very rare that combination is.