
I know, right? But if you believe everything that’s said about them around here, they must have been engineered by Satan himself.

Yeah, I toyed with the idea of getting another one as a winter beater a few months ago. Used ones fall into three categories:

Exactly! People tend to forget that when the PT came out, it was met with glowing reviews everywhere you went. Retro styling was HOT back then. New Beetle, Mini Cooper, PT Cruiser all coming out about the same time. I bought mine because of that and because apartment living necessitated one vehicle to do everything,

When you bought an automatic so your wife can drive it... but she still won’t drive it because of reasons. (Saturn Sky Redline)

You are not alone. I also loved my PT when I had it. People around here hate them for the wrong reasons. The looks are subjective, sure, and they may not be the most reliable, or the easiest to work on, and are driven by people that Jalops tend to deride, but dammit if they aren’t a tremendously practical and cheap

I do that too. Also, now and then I look out the window near my cubicle just to look at her out there and wonder what she’s thinking about. Is she dreaming about me, too? Wondering when we’ll take another drive under the stars, wishing for those exhilarating moments that put a smile on both our faces...

Speaking of people I’d like to punch in the face...

Looking forward to seeing another weird Star Wars hairstyle!

Arch enemies of the Swedish Meatball Network.

After seeing an episode of Scorpion, I think the execs at CBS have a very serious misunderstanding of technology in general. More specifically, they are seriously underestimating the ability of the average Trekkie (or Trekker if you prefer) to pirate this new show and avoid paying a monthly fee.

Ha! Yeah ok, Didn’t notice that. “Being moved” as is “the process of being relocated”. These images are clearly a stationary moment, maybe while the tow vehicle was being hooked up? Dunno, I’ll have to ask...

Ah. Admittedly, the last time I went there it was raining, so we didn’t see any of the outdoor stuff. The last time I saw the plane in person was probably 20 years ago. I just assumed it was still part of the outdoor display and I just missed it. Thanks for that info! I’m looking forward to planning to a trip there

Edit: Nevermind. Got my answer in someone else’s response.

The last remaining example of the XB-70 was, just last week, moved to the Air Force Museum’s brand new hangar. After spending nearly it’s entire life as an outdoor display, it will now spend its days as a garage queen. here it is being moved (photos courtesy of a friend of mine):

with the power of Duracell batteries in their lightsabers

Three hours. I quit after twice failing to stay awake during the first one. I think I may have seen the whole thing.

... which is exactly why those were good times...

Yeah, forgive me for not remembering every detail from a silly cartoon I haven’t seen in thirty years.

Sadly, even in the new multiple-skintone emoji set, green was still left out.

Not a fan of that. It’s like telling the kids “screw you, go buy your own damn candy, and get off my lawn.”