
The writing here is exceptionally good. This string of alliteration/assonance ought to resonate no matter one’s political opinion:

There is nothing in the world I’m more certain of than I am that Barry Bonds has the wrist and core strength to square up a 90+ mph fastball right now.

That’s much easier to swallow than the d-bags who show up on bobblehead days, collect their bobblehead, then turn right around and head home to put them on eBay or whatever.

The As are like baseballs manila folderunobtrusive, effective at doing their assigned task, anonymous, and with a minimum of bells and whistles. Oh, and also if that folder was placed in a file cabinet full of shit.

Excuse me, I have a two-part question and a comment...

Psh. I could’ve beat those dogs.

Be cool young blood—that’s too much bat flip. He’s robbing himself of all the chill he earned by going yard with no doubt.

Things That Are Gonna Get You:

Can’t wait for Schilling’s article in Breitbart: Why Aborted Fetuses Don’t Belong in the Training Room

The MMA equivalent of deciding to not campaign in MI or WI.

Deandre Jordan is more of a Maverick than John McCain.

She did come pre-packaged from a far away place and got his name stamped on her, so sure.

Ah, the History Channel- where America’s racist uncles go when Fox News makes them think too much.

Solid insight

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

You nailed it. Rhabdomyolysis is no joke. It’s not like “whoops, I asked them to do 20 pushups when they could only handle 18. My bad.” rhabdomyolysis occurs under extreme strain, the sort of trauma that trained strength coaches know to avoid because such traumatic stress is ultimately counterproductive. You build

Irele Oderinde

Here is the church.