
This study was extremely comprehensive - only using live / infected persons could have done a better job. This was a major concern so they took this study seriously.

Normies don’t understand how aircraft systems function. Passengers are constantly getting bombarded with fresh outside air while at the same time cabin

I mean, people love it when actors, singers, and even teachers and politicians get ripped a new one, so why not chefs?

Its not those bars, those are the old ones the news ones are like grates. 

And if you clamped bars at varying positions along the lengths of the bars they would resonate at varying frequencies, so you wouldn’t have the same effect at a higher frequencies. The clamp would have be rigid enough to really dampen the vibrations instead of simply coupling all the slats together. That could

It is vortex shedding of the air off of the bars. The air is resonating not the bars.

A triangular crosspiece on most sections could cut the sound, like the earthquake reinforcement on some buildings, like a Howe truss or a Paddleford:

At that price you get something that looks and drives like a real speedster, but that you’d be able to mod or just drive the piss out of like the originals were designed to be, without having to worry about harming your $100k+ car. I’d say NP.

No mention of the brutal missed dunk that would have given UCF a 6 point lead but instead went the other way for a Duke 3? That was the game right there.

It isn’t a vacuum.

IDoofus - planes don’t fly in a vacuum...

As an airline pilot, this makes no sense. There has to be more to the story. I can only speak to the equipment I know but if our cabin pressure reaches 10,000ft we get a master caution. If cabin pessure reaches 14,000ft a master warning chimes and the mask automatically drop. These chimes would be loud and clear

Let me clarify here, Dan. The study did show other NSAIDs increased the risk of heart issues, just not as much as diclofenac. The added risk ranged from around 20 to 30 percent, compared to not taking any drug, so it was about half the risk of taking diclofenac.

But when you look at the Number Needed to Harm (NNH), it’s not so scary. Adjusted for person-years, the NNH is 219 compared to those not using NSAIDs. In other words, you’d need to treat 219 people with diclofenac to see one extra adverse cardiac outcome. Ibuprofen, for example, has a NNH of 1261 (You can do the math

It’s surprising that use of diclofenac conferred a 50% great cardiovascular risk compared to no drug but a 2-fold greater risk compared to other NSAIDs or acetaminophen, implying that other NSAIDs or acetaminophen are actually cardioprotective compared to no drug. In general, traditional NSAIDs have not been seen as

In a couple years you will be able to pick up a 2017 Giulietta for $6,999.

Virtually every time a situation like this arises, I am reminded that our actual criminal justice system has a very hard time managing to exact justice, and that schools or organizations like the NFL have essentially no chance of doing a good job. Good for the Deadspins out there, bad for the unprepared

Agreed, but there are some out there that will use a quality synthetic like Mobil 1 and still change at 3750mi and somehow justify it in their heads that it’s needed because of “high performance” and “manufacturer recommended”.

All valid points, they did the test on a turbo engine (Subaru). And if one oil breaks down at 5k and the other at 7k you are better off changing your oil at 5k. But I agree with your point that results might differ depending on the car.

I’m also surprised at the lack of a cage in the 182MPH video but it looks like he finally got one installed for the 200MPH+ run.

I think it is more about creating price tiers and preserving the mystique of the Type R. If you could get a SI with 90+% of the Type R performance for 2/3 of the price, the Type R wouldn’t have the hype it has.