
White people: racism isn’t about us but literally everything else is.

Well this is irritating.

This is honestly the most beautiful case of legal trolling that I have ever witnessed.

I finally got the joke! I assumed it was some sort of Aussie slang, but now I realise there are people in this world who think a cappuccino is actually spelled/pronounced “cup of chino”. Thanks, Yahoo Answers!

It’s secret answer number 3: don’t hire women because their impending motherhood is a financial liability for your company! And also lobby to be able to discriminate against them for using birth control you don’t approve of.

It’s been very interesting comparing Scottish nationalism to Quebec nationalism. The most important thing that the pundits here seem to be missing is that a vote for the SNP, or the Bloc, or the PQ is not the same thing as a vote for independence. Voting SNP was a win-win for Scotland this time, no matter which party

I would never in a million years have expected to see this on Jezebel! I lived close by, and would visit this spot all the time: on a run for a Rocky montage moment, with friends for picnics, for girl chat and a cig with a mate who also lived close by... Also had an amazing NYE up here with 200 other people ready to

“Love the sinner, hate the sin” is pretty awful, but it’s maybe a step above “hate the sinner, treat the sinner like shit, tell the sinner they deserve to burn in hell, banish the sinner from our super-special club FOREVER.” I mean, baby steps, right?

Ugh, why don’t we just give nice guys a chance? This wouldn’t happen if we weren’t such frigid bitches.

How much am I drinking? That he’s paying for? How long have I been without the touch of man? How desperate am I for a story to sell for minor ducats to the Press?

You’re not really defending her. You’re just saying that you hope less potential harm came to her. That just makes you slightly less of an asshole than me.

If you’re as obsessed with not coming off as an old person as Madonna is, thinking a 7-year-old reference is topical and witty is probably not the best way to go about it. Maybe give two thumbs up and go “Is nice!” while you’re at it.

i also love how most of the people losing their shit (at least here) seem to be dudes.

Yes. Where do you store the drums of awesome you used to make this comment?


Between my freshman and sophomore years in college, my high school sweetheart and I had a terrible breakup. She got pregnant, had an abortion, and our relationship just couldn’t take the strain. She was gone and my heart was broke, and bad. So I freaked the fuck out, started partying like there was no tomorrow, and

DAMN! The one time I’m here early enough to participate and have my responses actually read by more than 3 people....and I don’t even have a good story. I guess the craziest thing I’ve done after a break up is be boring and normal and whatevs????

This is great. And beautiful sampling of Portishead in there.

This is my new life anthem, since the ghost-out is my preferred exit strategy for almost any social situation (my grandpa always referred to it as “the old Irish exit,” but I don’t really know why)