
As an outsider this seems a lot like what happened with the labour party leadership race here (UK).

And more importantly, Police forces across the world, including here in the UK, are unarmed and succeed in this every day.

This is what happens every time I do fantasy house shopping in London online.

my favourite is 100% molecule 01. It is amazing and i get complimented on it all the time.

well we all know it doesnt count if your at the pub/its a big night out/holidays/with food...

yeah I am saving up to buy myself dr martin mary janes and I will be wearing them with everything, possibly even pjs.

Its the thing I hated most about retail work.

be thankful it is outside the bathroom door. Mine know how to open the door and they climb into the sink when your brushing your teeth/try and lick your toes because they are very weird.

Me and my sister are very close but during the second year of university we had a big falling out and just stopped being close for about 6-9 months over a variety of different things. It was pretty much just adjusting to the fact that as twins, we had never lived apart or been apart for that long and getting used to

My dissertation (undergrad) had about 200 footnotes I think which wasn’t even the worst of it!

One of my friends was a very ‘strong’ feminist and we were both witnesses during a trial for rape.

Well I think with Bridget Jones its more that she thinks she’s fat if you get what I mean?

As a very pale-browed gal I have 1 major piece of advice. Buy a brow tinting kit - not the disposable kind but the type used in salons. i use refectocil (i think thats how its spelt).

Yes you can!

I had Margaret thatcher hair for at least 3 months.

longer than that, I got mine when I was 13 and that was the first year I think so about 8/9 years now!

I did that too! kept getting shape ups of the back but it was the curls that screwed me over! It took far to long to get to my chin because of them.

there is light at the end of the tunnel! took me a year to get to bob (bloody curly hair making any growth non existent)! bobby pins are your best friends, as are hats!

yeah I’m not meant to drink over the daily limit which is 1 pint or 1 glass of wine or 1 shot (for women not men).

never judge the lengths taken to grow out a pixie cut.