
In fairness removal is a massive bitch. My friend was going through it on two tattoos she has. It took a long time and you have to leave it to heal because you get huge water blisters and it is incredibly painful! One was huge but the other was relatively small and that still took many sessions.

I love the original of this programme but I just have to ask.

My friend did her dissertation from start to finish in 3 weeks (before anyone says anything - UK undergrad diss), thought she had failed and spent about 3 days sobbing.

I have freckles but they are very smalll and light and there arent that many of them! The only time they are really visible is when I have been in the sun.

the naugthiest girl is the best book ever, I loved it when I was younger.

well firstly France is involved in Syria against IS.Also it is a secular country, they tried to ban the hijab in public a few years ago and have very strict rules about religion in school etc. That makes them a target in a lot of ways, especially from extremist Islamists. France has a relatively high number of

have you tried swimming? obviously I don’t know the extent of the ankle damage and weither it would still be too painful but I know its a nice exercise to start out with because it doesnt put any pressure on joints!

if you like to get up and go (like me) there are three things that I think instantly make you look more together make up wise. Slap on a tinted moisturiser/bb or cc cream thing (just light and evens out skin tone a bit), mascara and most importantly eyebrows! If you have dark hair it might not be the same for you but

John lewis is tomorrow? ohhhhhhh! I can’t wait to see how they are going to try and make us cry this year! or what the song is.

In fairness, I dont think christmas stuff can start before bonfire night.

you do realise there is a difference between being two drunk to drive and too drunk to serve?

Also, someone doesnt have to be unservable - ie, to the point you notice they are clearly drunk - to be too drunk to drive.

my favourite part is the “you speak american” part. Apparently they don’t have the greatest grasp of the english language themselves seeing as how they don’t get thats what they are speaking...

I work at a burger place at the moment (fancy one in a bar) and this is our pumpkin:

oh that is such a good idea! maybe next year I will be margot, I have hair I can straighten that will look basically the same as that.

my general tactic is always awsome face paint/make up, then the rest of the outfit kind of doesnt have to be so good. I was a crow last year and a deer before that, but this year Im going as a skeleton - I feel super boring but I have no real creative ideas.

I think, for me anyway, if you really love a book a film often can’t live up to it because of everything that has to be excluded.

So auto-gratuity on cheques isnt standard? Here (UK) we often have it included, you dont have to pay it obviously but generally you do. And you know, we pay people actual wages... I really thought that would have been common practice!

In my family you just had to stand by the front door. I never ever moved even though it is just a door.

this has always been my belief. Surely rehabilitation, or at least regret, is what you want people to feel by punishing them.