We are the team that drinks before noon, right?
We are the team that drinks before noon, right?
This always strikes: Torture, it’s been statistically shown again and again, doesn’t work as a mean of getting information.
What do other people read on the Internet? I’ve been a Jez-addict for so long, I’m not sure what other blog could fill the space, but with my favorite writers leaving in droves over the last couple of years, it seems like I’ll need somewhere new to while away my time.
Sounds like somebody needs to work on their kegels.
I don’t think that he’s even Canadian. He told me off for using the British spelling of a word as in his words “This is North America”
He’s the first non-Christian to win the NH primary! Pretty huge (or yuuuge!).
Who are these people with the perfect calf circumference?!
alternatively, get rid of selective service altogether. If a real emergency comes up, people will volunteer, and if not, there are places for those records anyway, such as the DMV.
I know it’s popular to hate on Gwyneth but THAT is how you do divorce with kids. Too often the parents are selfish cry babies who can’t put their kids first for even a second. I can hate on GOOP the website but I give these two a lot of credit in the parenting department.
“Is that a gun in your pocket....probably not”
I look at Cheltenham vs Gloucester...
I love you, Bette Midler. I love you so much.
They didn’t choose the thug life...
It is consistently difficult to explain how fervently I believe in this to my lovely, sentimental, romantic-at-heart boyfriend. It’s not that I don’t trust HIM, but that I need these sorts of things for my own sense of security/independence/wellbeing.
I would like this to be turned into an incredible miniseries, please, and I can watch it every year.
I’ve been rewatching it and am currently 3 seasons in again.
Wait, you don’t have Saturday morning cartoons? What kind of dystopian hell do you live in?!
Oddly enough they’re the norm in the UK and we don’t have cervical cancer running rampant here.
MANCHESTER YEAH! We finally made it!