Scene of recent flooding, army drafted in, lass from Lancashire strolling by wearing pyjamas with fag and wine in hand. Sums us all up.
Scene of recent flooding, army drafted in, lass from Lancashire strolling by wearing pyjamas with fag and wine in hand. Sums us all up.
Our bar for what classes as alcoholism is set pretty high, I’ll give you that.
In the UK we call it Primani cos their stuff is always so on trend.
I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t “It just smells like wet earth” the wrong thing to say when selling Chanel No.5? Which is noticeably not a woodsy fragrance?
You’d wear that ascot and chain but not the hat? People would be like, “where’s your hat?”
okay but i finally learned how to fold a fitted sheet and that was a proud moment
Oh, but haven’t you heard? If you hassle a Muslim, he turns into a terrorist. On this left and right agree: Muslims have a natural tendency to blow people up when they’re upset.
Given that it’s 99% certain that you’re American, this is fucking hilarious and not for the reasons you thought.
Yeah, my cousin has a cat who will come in to the bathroom and talk to you while you do your business. I actually don’t mind that because I grew up in a single-bathroom household and find company while on the toilet quite soothing.
send your husband my deepest regards and let him know this phrase is going to go viral.
I’m with you. I truly believe that Thompson’s scene in the bedroom is among the great pieces of acting ever put on film. Total heartbreak, immediate and devastating, survived.
Can someone explain the offensive part for a foreigner? Why is Kool Aid a Black stereotype ? The only thing I know is the expression “drink the Kool aid”, so i just know it’s a disgusting thing...
as a Brit, I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving (seriously, guys that’s a damn strange holiday) so it looks like I’ll have to come back later and bask in all the schadenfreude because Jezzies never let me down with pissing contests.
The word Mexican in Russian, by the way, is Mexican, so it’s not like everyone didn’t know what he was saying.
not to mention celery, which is one of the world’s worst vegetables
It did used to be 21 btw, but we have been doing mass vaccination against HPV in girls for about 5 (???) years now. So they raised the age.
Currently me. *weeps*
I’m trying to understand your comment. Alcohol is the same price for everyone as far as I know. Like bread, or milk, or apples.
Kids, always be extra certain of your tattoo choices. Sure "take on me" was a great song and I thought A-ha were the next Beatles. The forearm tattoo is forever.
Kids are stupid and it’s unbelievable how many of us make it to adulthood.