
How can you know what your hard limits are if you’ve never had sex with a random guy on an air mattress that gradually deflated the more he humped at you until your tailbone was just resting on the ground and you felt like you should probably stop drinking whiskey in those quantities? I feel like that was a real

Gee, it is almost like Miley is a young, single woman in her early 20s with financial independence. SOMEBODY STOP HER! STOP HER BEFORE SHE DECIDES SHE WANTS TO WEAR PANTS ABOVE HER ANKLES OR VOTE!

a vivid re-imagining of The Black Eyed Peas’ “My Humps”

Good. Instead of talking about qualifications, we’re talking about his body and eating habits.

AHHHHH that tiny pink Cadillac (complete w/ walking entourage on either side) is SLAYING me!

Ironic that her lip color may have been the single greatest success in all of these new looks!

I don’t even think they “still” went for it. The underage aspect and/or making young girls uncomfortable was the appeal. Some men are predatory af.

those men are so gross. I remember seeing an old man (60s, not that his age makes it worse really) like look my sister up and down in Italy multiple times so obviously on holiday once and she was 11. I stared him out as I was 15 so was an idiot who thought I needed to be macho and protect her and the prick winked at


How come cucumbers implies land-cucumbers?!?! You are just part of the land based elite using language to subjugate oppressed aquatic species!

Who puts oil in cakes? Honestly I have made hundreds of different types, religiously watch The Great British Bake Off every year and have a massive baking book collection and have never seen this.

I still have regrets about turning down an invitation to the weird kid’s 9th birthday party. No one went. I felt guilty about it the next monday morning and still do to this day. That shit stays with you.

I am NEVER going to get over Crombie’s death, and my eternal love for Gilbert Blythe. I mean, frig, my wedding was loosely AoGG themed, because my husband and I started off just like Anne and Gilbert. We hated each other.

I wrote a couple weeks ago about being super depressed after breaking my leg and having surgery and not being able to walk and stuff. I’m happy to say that I am feeling a bit better! I went out both evenings last weekend....with friends to a BBQ and then to the lake, then dinner and a couple drinks out. Doing some

If you picked me up and did all that AND Keb Mo was playing I’d kiss you on the cheek and say “Best girlfriend ever”

Lot of girls in my middle school got in trouble for MySpace. Lots of pictures from drunken parties. Lots of panic from their parents about those pics being out there.



I'm a broken condom, so it could be worse.

“Adoption. Murder. Irresponsible. Whiny etc” Let the comments roll.