
If by overalls you mean dungarees then I am rocking a pair of black denim ones right now and I love them more than anything.

Yeah I didn’t get it at the time but a few years ago I started to realise how fucked up it was. Especially cause where I live at least every school had uniform - its just an accepted fact in most of the UK really. So they looked at me knowing I was underage, and still went for it.

I think what others have said on here and I agree with is this:

I think the most depressing thing for me is I too was a late bloomer, no noticable boobs till at least 14.

yeah there is a campaign in the UK about this at the moment. Tampons/Pads have VAT on them because they are a ‘luxury’ item, whereas mens razors (not womens), exotic meat and a whole host of other things are VAT exempt.

I loved him so much when I was 8, and I still do. :’( :’(

I know I am very late and probably going to stay sitting in the greys but never mind.

theres this thing called hola! an app on google chrome, you can change were your viewing from! Im in the UK and switch to US netflix for some films and tv shows we don’t have!

I don’t have any tattoos yet but there are two I really want. One is two W’s for me and my sister (we’ve wanted them for 5/6 years) and one is this cool fox sketch I’ve found that i’ve wanted for at least a year.

I’ll always go for the passive aggressive tactics.

I’m in the same position as I lost a load of weight a few months ago and trying to go up a size. In the top i tend to go for the bigger size (s0 10) so if i go up in size they’ll still fit, and for the bottoms i tend to go for a 6 but with a bit of elasticy stretch on the waist (only because everything I own is

I have done pale blue and pale pink at the front of my hair before (when i had a pixie cut) it looked super cool cause then parts looked purple as well!

maybe mild sun/heat stroke if it was pretty hot and you weren’t dressed right? drinkiing gatorade/eat some salty food etc should help you out with that!

I don’t know if this quite counts as a burn, but it is one of my proudest university moments.

Its really easy, if you buy a kit like this with the brush, all you have to do is put vaseline/lip balm etc around your eyebrows so you don’t accidently dye your skin and then paste it onto your brows with the brush, leave it for 8 mins and voila! defined eyebrows.

I have just brought myself an eyebrow tint kit in light brown from Amazon.

yeah me and my sister look nothing alike, so people always thought we were lying about being twins.

Not that I particularly like her music, but she has been pretty well known in Britain for a few years, she’s just failed at breaking into America which like, isn’t exactly terrible..