
In fairness I was on myspace when I was 14, I am so thankful they deleted all the inactive profiles there was some embarassingly emo crap on there - lot of My Chemical Romance...

I havent used there primers in a while (like two years) so don't necessarily trust me on this, but whilst I live and die by there foundations/eyeshadows/concealers and everything else, i find there primers a bit...meh...

I think the main flaw is we always say “let ourselves” fall in love. As in, you can try to stop it and you can know its a terrible god awful idea, but in the end if your gonna fall in love with a person you probably will no matter what sense or logic says. Unless you are amazingly self aware and can control your

Watch the new louis theroux documentary about trans children in california. It focuses on the positives of transitioning a lot and accepting parents!

Dont get confused by the NHS its really super simple!

Thats a brilliant explanation!!! I think of it as - yes you believe in equality - but we need to address the reasons for inequality. Its all very well and good saying that everyone should be equal, but its feminism and campaigning against racism etc that makes equality possible.

Not sure what age but my cats are pretty old and at a certain point you are meant to switch them to dry food for senior cats, this made them go from scraggily to chubby in a few weeks. My dad is convinced that it is giving them a bit of roast chicken every day (we are not) so can try that too..

I like to think it made me a stronger person... or more passive aggressive, I have yet to decide.

A girl I know did this challenge, the below the poverty line one, where you have £5 for five days of food. She had a hell of a lot of tesco basic stuff but it honestly looked like the most miserable thing in the world.

Yeah when France recognised it there relations with Turkey took a serious nose dive, even after 100 years.

try interrailing round europe for a month with 7 other girls. Especially when your 18 and you think a great way to save money is to just do night trains all the time. The plus side is I can tell you were the best/worst train stations to sleep in are, down side we arent all friends anymore!

oh hell yes, any future husband needs to know that twin sister will always beat him for anything - including wedding cake decorations

Totally of topic but your story at the beginning just reminded me of when me and my sister used to pretend to get married.

yeah I think its obviously a lot harder for larger women across the board and I will never deny that, but I just think we should listen to the issues that women of all sizes have about their body and why they do and try to stop it, not to ignore a whole host of people.

thanks for this I think it sums it up pretty well! For me, I am very thin and struggle massively to stay in the healthy weight range but I find the most frustrating thing to be that people refuse to accept its a problem. As in, I get a lot of ‘why are you complaining I’d kill to look like you’ stuff. When actually,

have a look at pixiwoo, they are the ones behind the brushes she recommends in the article, they do great make up tutorials that cover the basics of most things!

Becca is my favourite brand for make up hands down, when they went bust in Europe I was so sad but now I just buy it all from US ebay sellers.

I love love love all things becca, I think it stops short of greasy and makes you look beachy (but maybe that is just brilliant marketing)

i am in the finally reached a bob after 1 1/2 years stage and this just made me sad!

Woo congratulations!! I am moving in with my boyfriend in 2 and a half months (1st july officially) when my contract runs out and its so exciting! and so god damn terrifying!