
we have loads from the last few times my family went to Turkey, they are the best towels for holiday you’ll ever use, and their so pretty, mine is in baby blue! I never thought to use them as bath towels, they don’t seem absorbant enough, but maybe i’ll start using them!

Im a weekend binger, occasionally i will go to the pub in the week but I never drink at home (probably because i dont like wine at all!). On the weekend I guess I’ll have a minimum of 3 pints going out, up till about 6

100%. I’m definatley not a parent yet and have no plans on it (21 seems a tad early..) but as a twin I can vouch for this. The horror stories my mum has off us when we were babies - it would be constant crying cause one of us would wake up the other- that they ended up sleep training us pretty early (still not 8 weeks

Well other people have been recommending buying cheap versions of it, I've just brought one from Etsy (just searched Iso E Super) havent got it yet but should be good! Only costs about £10-£15 pounds so definately worth a try!!

Also congrats on the kinja virginity, its all downhill from here!

Yeah its okay, but nothing special really. I live and die by Maybelline Great lash though, so I honestly don't understand spending any more money when that one is just so good!!

Oh really? US or UK based? that would be ammazzing

OH Teat for Two was one of my old favourites!! We used to sell that at my old job too and I fell in love with it, obviously I was about 17 and broke so didn't buy it. I had completely forgotten about it, might see if I can get one now!

yeah I have looked around for a cheap version but I loads of the reviews of the ones i've found said they tend to go a bit crap after a few weeks, not sure if thats the same for all of them but from what I've found on amazon at least!

well the issue with Molecule is that its only one ingredient thats meant to interact with your pheremones so its unique, you can't smell it on yourself most of the time either.

My great-aunt dislikes Kate Middleton because she thinks it is incredibly tacky for her to have longer hair. She is in her mid-80s though now, so I don't think her fashion advice is something to follow...

Posted this on another post but more likely to get seen here I reckon. Basically I need perfume advice!

Bit of topic but the perfume review reminded me.

how you manage to look that casually beautiful while holding up a broken dress and laughing is truly amazing.

Never forget, if someone brings up Leviticus ask them if their top is a mixture of two different materials, because that is equally an abomination. Weirdly you don't get so many crazy religious types boycotting poly-cotton blends...

Any TV programme that pisses of the Daily Mail instantly gets added to my watch list.

my general pose is the awkward toothy smile, or the ever favourite mid-movement weirdo pose. With every photo I just want to add a disclaimer saying that in real life I look much nicer!

Life is so hard when you don't know how to pose for photos. I feel like all my friends had secret lessons on how to be photogenic, and I miraculously missed that day...