
Can I just play this game like it’s just an open world star fox game without andross? Plez?

How has absolutely no one mentioned the new Steins;Gate 0 anime?!? I watched the simuldub yesterday and it was great. Is it because no one know what to do with an interquel?

Is it just me or did the first dig feel like a metroid Vania in some respects?

I enjoyed the last two fire emblem games with that I would really mind them showing up in this, but the fact that not only is it almost only fates, but that was some of the worst choice acting I’ve heard in a AAA game. This went from a maybe to a never, instantly.

Woooooooot! Here’s to the patient people, the people who knew the inevitable was going to happen and stuck to it. I am so looking forward to this game.

Knowing funimation, they’ll probably do a simul-dub especially since they already have a voice cast.

No visceral Star Wars game? What is it going to take for that game to be announced? It feels like it’s been in development forever.

They’ve already announced FE warriors and a brand new FE for switch. Warriors out this fall, new FE next year.

Alan Wake still has some of the best atmosphere in a video game that I’ve ever played. Other flaws like the character animations in cutscenes and a few tropes and cliches that I saw coming bring the experience down a little, but overall I think it’s a fantastic game. The combat is fun, the story is pretty good, it

There’s a trend that I’ve noticed in modern society and its the erotification of intimacy. Anyone looks at a pairing of friends, and if there’s a genuine emotional bond they immediately interpret it as an erotic one. I have deep emotional connections with my friends that go beyond surface stuff, but that doesn’t mean

You have forgotten the face of your father.

I found you!

It’s going to come out later this year, it didn’t have the same kind of pedigree, ergo the same kind of funding. It looks really good, and I was frankly a little worried about Yooka-Laylee in the first place because it seemed a little rushed.

The consensus i’ve been hearing around the Web is that the game feels like a Banjo game through and through, but the technical bugs and camera take a lot away from the experience. As someone who is currently playing through Banjo-Tooie, I can attest that it also locked its levels into pieces with required

Contact Nintendo, they recently stated they would repair faulty left Joy con since they figured out what the problem was.

I know they CAN die because there’s a Horse God fairy who can revive dead horses for a price, but I think you’d have to be pretty aggressive to get it killed.

dont forget you can whistle to call your horse over to where you are, you can also see them on the map. Or you can use the stable to retrieve your horse.

Seriously? I’ve been playing for 60 hours and still havent’ lost a horse. I don’t know if they heal over time or what, but ive never had any problems with that.

It might be a bit different coming from your background, but my impression was not that this was a queer person who happened to help link, but rather that it was just some guy who was trying to sneak into the city and was hamming it up because that’s what he thought girls would do. If it was authentic cross dress that

It is metal items, but that also includes your bow, not just your shield and sword. Also, rather than drop them, if you scroll to the far left in your weapon quick select you can just hit remove which hides them rather than dropping them. I usually keep a few non-metal weapons, shields and bows just in case (wood,