Throw baby
Throw baby
My gold standard for funny games is portal and the Stanley parable. Both of those games humor comes from acknowledging the absurdity of the premise and then backing it up with good writing. Stanley parable has multiple paths, but limits the player interactivity which allows it to decide when and how the jokes are…
No, it does not.
My favorite feature of steam right now is steam big picture. I have my steam link setup on my TV, sit down with my wii u pro controller and seamlessly start any game I've added to my library. I can even get my enumerate games working with a little troubleshooting. I don't remember the last time I sat at my desk to…
What? No love for the hobbit on gamecube? It was like a legend of Zelda lite with linear levels and some lite stealth elements. I had a lot of fun with that game.
In hollow knight take a break and go find some upgrades. My first time through that was the first place I got really stuck. Took a second, got some good upgrades and then came back. Hit it the same way you do other bosses, take your time, learn patterns, logic holes, breaks in the action, etc. You can do it!
But that completely disregards that big speech given by Sam /faramir. Where he talks about how maybe the enemy he killed was just a boy pulled into a war far from home. Look at someone like Saruman or gollum who have huge amounts of nuance and depth. Yes, there are some enemies that can be reasoned with, that deserve…
I try to sort it into categories in steam. What am i”currently playing “ and what’s my” eventually playing “, maybe some of the games I bought I was less interested than I thought and that’s fine. But then I go back to, What are the 4 or 5 games I want to play right now? Maybe I’ll have a platformer, a shooter and a…
Honestly that’s pretty spot on.
From what I understand, ignis’ dlc contains spoilers /alternate universe hopping. Are you just going to play it at the end? Or is there a good spot for it to fit?
As if the b and c sides weren't already insane enough.
358/2 days is in the trailer, but the only important character you don't see in other games is xion. I doubt she'll end up being that important to the endgame anyways.
Birth by sleep and dream drop distance are the most important ones by far. You can find YouTube videos to catch up, or get the entire series for $40 on ps4.
I liked but didn't love anodyne. It did a good job of making a Zelda feel alike while still doing its own thing. The music was very relaxing, if a bit repetitive for casual listening.
Its all the games ever released in one package. If you already own them all then there's nothing new, but if you want to catch up on the series and have it all in one place it's not a bad way to catch up.
Sword of destiny is much better
Kingdom hearts is another good example. There are actual spinoff games like chain of memories and recoded, and games that should have been full numbered sequels but didn’t have numbers like birth by sleep and 3d.
So I had 0 interest in xenoblade 2 despite loving xenoblade 1 because the bad writing, anime factors, and tutorial were dialed up to 11. Would this still be good for people who like the series but don’t want to spend 200 hours with a mediocre game?
It did feel a lot like Gurren Lagann, but it didn’t have the pacing and thematic foundation to pull it off successfully. Ttgl escalates quickly, but it always makes sense in context of the plot and the themes. Darling just goes for the jugular because it doesn’t know how to tie up its own loose ends.
Super metroid is still the best metroid Vania of all time, imo. And I came into the genre late. I think my first metroidvania was metroid fusion on 3ds.