
All enemies you kill in the game stay dead, they don’t respawn when you go to a different area like in older Zelda games. You clear out an enemy camp, go into town and on the way back the enemies are still dead. The blood moon is essentially a hard reset on the overworld, so all enemies, resources, weapons and

There’s some gear that increases your climbing speed. I think you can find it in a shrine near the twin peaks. There’s a full set somewhere, but I don’t know where it is.

Is it just me, or is Square Enix doing a lot of original IP JRPGs recently? Bravely Default/Second, Project Octopath Traveler, I Am Setsuna, and now this. This being while they still own and produce heavy hitters like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.

I found you!!!!!!!

Ever since playing KOTOR, I will always name my male Characters Revan, and my female characters Bastilla. Also, the females almost always have red hair.

Briefly looked at the video and was just NOPE! Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they did a good job. But i’ve gotten so used to the Super Metroid controls that anything less than that is just awful. I skipped the original NES Metroid and played Zero Mission because it was so dated, i’m not going to play a ROM hack for the

I pray they don’t alter the deal any further

I pray they don’t alter the deal any further

What about using walkthroughs for games that are either to obtuse or give you the hint once and then never again? I’ve been working through the Ace Attorney games and sometimes their logic is so incredibly weird and frustrating that it’s almost impossible to figure out on my own. Similarly I used a guide to figure out

I finished all 3 fire emblem fates games. Conquest was my favorite by far. The story in each one was pretty generic but it wasn’t bad. I’m not sure birthright is worth finishing butif you have access to conquest then give it a go for sure. It might be one of my favorite strategy games ever.

I liked the story slightly more in the first one, but otherwise this was better in every way.

The chaos head Anime was bad from what I hear, but the vn was pretty good. Hopefully we can get a steins gate 0 anime soon

Square enix briefly had a great deal and I got final fantasy 9, 10, 13-2 & 13-3 for like... $27. Prices changed later, but I could not pass that up.  

No it follows that section . This is all new content, you get to see more realm of darkness stuff

This series is the bomb, i’m glad I’ll be able to share these with my buddies on PC without having to share a 3DS around. The Puzzles and story were just so interesting. When people criticise VN’s it’s not the ‘writing’ that’s good, it’s the narratives and ideas. We’re also not so much in a position to analyze the

You sound like some edgy teenager who just found out what curse words are. Don’t make me come over there

Keep your pants on dude.

Everytime i see this game I think, ‘wow that looks really good...oh wait there’s no anti-aliasing, barf gross’.

Counter strike, DOTA 2, team fortress, and what's number 4?

This and Attack on titan are one of the few anime that should hardly star any asian actors at all. Obviously people from Xing, but everyone else should essentially be German or otherwise euorpean. I have 0 expectations of this being good. Mostly because both Parasyte, AoT and any other live-action adaptation of anime

I wonder if this will hold up in the long run. I love the old myst games, but the only ones I beat was 3 and most of 4. Pray of the problem is that they’re so opaque you don’t know where to start. Maybe my non grade school brain will be able to deal with it better.