W00t TAY! I had no idea you were zarnyx, congrats working for the big boys now. I will make sure to check out your future articles. I love jrpgs, but they take so long. I’m almost done with xenoblade so I’m not sure what I’ll start after that.
W00t TAY! I had no idea you were zarnyx, congrats working for the big boys now. I will make sure to check out your future articles. I love jrpgs, but they take so long. I’m almost done with xenoblade so I’m not sure what I’ll start after that.
It’s the plot for hyrule warriors.
From what i’ve heard it’s the collectibles that are the puzzles while the campaign itself is mostly just shooting things.
Did you play Wolfenstein The New Order? That game also felt like a return to old-school action without losing the frills of new shooters. It’s not DOOM, you take cover and you regenerate health a little bit (it only recovers segments of your health, so you’re always in danger but you don’t have to nitpick that 6…
I’m at 70 hours and all I have left is the final dungeon (and the ungodly amount of side content, but I’m going to ignore that bit).
Played through Last Story first, almost done with Xenoblade. Last Story has faster more involved gameplay and better pacing. Xenoblade is more classical JRPG and has a huge amount of content, as well as a slightly more memorable story. It also benefits from being Nintendo IP instead of 3rd Party. I would kill for a…
I’m almost done with Xenoblade and its fantastic. I would do Last Story first because it has better pacing. Xenoblade just takes an enormous amount of time to get anywhere, even though ‘things’ are constantly happening. It’s just an epic story. Last Story is much more manageable.
Cute, ever heard of Speed Racer? Racer X is the best.
This looks like it’ll be a lot of fun. Can’t wait to pick it up once I work through some other games. ITs definetly on my list along with xenoblade x.
I was playing with permadeath on all the way through chapter twenty, after that I just got tired of struggling. I’d still reset most of the time but spending 90 hours playing a 50 hour save for a game that on average gets done in 35, I just couldn’t take it any more.
I really want to play Xcom, but im still working though fire emblem. I finished conquest, so now I’m doing birthright. Is so much content on one cartridge.
I play for like...20 minutes and my phone gets hot and drops to like...25-30 %. It doesn’t have a great battery anyways, but it’s still frustrating.
They’ve officially confirmed that KHIII will be the last game in the ‘Xehanort’ Saga. So no more big bad, but they aren’t getting rid of a cash-cow before they milk it good.
I’ve also enjoyed my time with it. It can be a little bit Grindy,and it saps my battery, but overall it’s a fun game.
You do think I should do casual for Birthright though right?
I’m in the same situation. Working my way through Conquest, I have no idea when i’ll finish, but I think i’m going to play Birthright on Casual or normal or something. After how brutal the levels in Conquest were, I have no desire to go through that again without good reason. I’ll probably do Hard/Classic or…
Struggling my way through FE:Fates Conquest. I love the level design and battle system, but they need to make the gameplay itself more forgiving. I think Xcom nailed that balance where you never got stuck with bullshit random deaths. Your soldiers go into shock for a couple of turns before dying so you can usually…
Apparently “Genealogy of the Holy War” does this to great effect. Does 3 generations I think.
Have you actually played it yourself? I’m not a fan of the franchise, but it seems that anyone who’s spent time with it have enjoyed what they got to play. It may not be the whole game yet, but they also said you can wait if you want to and it doesn’t cost anymore than it normally would for the full Hitman experience.
heh, VLR, lol. Such mind-screwing, such confusion. I love when you would stumble on paths where they reference the other paths you hadn’t been on yet like where Sigma betrays you. And the paths themselves would vary slightly depending on which endings you had already done (to a small degree).