
So this sounds epic, but I feel like if it’s “truly random” then you would have to repeatedly play different segments in order to get the whole story. In VLR it was vital to play all of those different branches because of the information you got in each one, so I don’t know how you could consistently tell the

In the west, this is going to come to PC.

Batman Arkham City. I’ve put over 200 hours into it, played through the story over 4 times and when I don’t know what to play those challenge rooms are always waiting. I don’t yet know if I will play Arkham Knight more and it will replace it or not. It’s certainly more complex, but I might enjoy that simpler easier

PC?Yes!!!!!!!!!!! So excite. Give us all the jrpg! I want it!

I really really really hope they turn this into an anime. I don’t know how they would do it since by all accounts both endings are important, but I don’t care. I need this in my life.

More a FOV thing than an aspect ratio problem. Games like Zelda or Pikmin have a huge HUD when you play at 1080p. Link looks huge, the camera is zoomed in, etc. I HAVE NOT experimented with AR codes, I try to use the “Widescreen Hack” in Dolphin’s settings for GCN games but it doesn’t work that well. It’s not ‘bad’,

At the end of the day it’s a matter of personal preference. I probably won’t get the TPHD, but I don’t regret getting my WWHD copy.

I prefer WWHD to the Dolphin version any day. Widescreen support, new lighting, better controls, updated Triforce quest, the Wii U version is significantly better.

I usually make one or two saves throughout an X-Com mission, so it’s not an exreme save scumming, but I don’t like loosing 45 minutes of careful planning because of a 1% crit. I will let my characters die in Xcom, but only when it feels earned, like it was supposed to happen instead of for some BS reason.

Wait, didn’t Batman get re-batmanified? So Damien should be able to chill with him again right?

Im afraid this is one of those games I’ll just never get around too. I absolutely adore these old style RPGs, I played a tremendous amount of Neverwinter Nights 2 (despite not actually beating it), KOTOR 1&2, and other such games. But with new games coming out all the time and my list of need-to-play retro games

Now playing

I don’t know for sure, but I’m pretty sure that Zelda WW art was an album cover/commission for a guy who goes by the handle “Theophany”. His Molgera track to accompany the afformentioned artwork, and his Majora’s Mask album are both incredible, Grade-A work.

“You can’t change the game genre and keep the old level design. That makes no sense.” - The JonTron

While admitedly, I have neither played this game nor BK: Nuts and Bolts, that is the first thing that I think of when I see it. Goes to show that it was probably a decent game, just with the wrong branding.

Supposedly Colin TrevvorrowoJursassicroworoworldwow said we won’t find out her parentage until his Ep. 9. At least that was the most recent rumor I heard floating around.

It really kind of defines how you define death in this case. Is Ra’s dead or alive? In my opinion he was already dead, so I was just letting the body finish decomposing. Batman doesn’t kill because Ra’s has been dead for far too long. That’s what makes the choice so delicious in it’s entirety. All of the missions were

The only way to play these is with a friend. Otherwise, you can play every fourth of fifth game. Lego Star Wars to Lego Indy to Lego LOTR to Lego Marvel. Works for me so i don’t get sick of them.

Instead of a “Yes, No, Not Yet” could you have a single short sentence or something similar. “Meh, it was all right”, “That was fudging fantastic”, “Pretty good, but some major flaws”, “Play it on PS4, but not PC”. Like you said, it’s nice to see the box and get a good sense of the feel of the game but not be

The anime is absolutely fantastic, the English dub is also incredible so don’t feel you’re getting a lesser version of they don’t want to watch subs. J. Michael Tatum is fantastic as Kyouma