
I made alllllll the bad decisions, and I think my fear of having WeePiglet do the same (or even half) is what drives me agita over this whole thing. I’m trying to keep all my freaking out on the down-low so that I can vent it all and be normal when we have these conversations but part of me just wants to lock her up

That’s a whole ‘nother set of messages! PARENTING IS HARD.

extra +1 for integrating paul bettany so flawlessly into this thread

Oh Hai!


What the fuck goes on at Boy Scout camps

You sound like a genuinely good mom. I mean that. That's how my mom was & when I look back I can see how fortunate I was. ESPECIALLY compared to the other kids moms. Yeesh!

I guess I understand. It’s easy for me to say what needs to be done, I don’t have children. I have a cat. An admittedly gay cat but we made peace with that, I love him for who he is. It’s just in my case, I was an admittedly wild teen. While I made some mistakes I never knocked a woman up, never got an STD, & ours was

Ideally, yes. And as a kid, I knew I could ask my parents or read Judy Blume books or whatever, and I did that. Judy Blume taught me about my period and my parents gave me one rule: “don’t bring home anything you have to feed or cure.”

Do they not remember? Are they in denial? Or are they just really really stupid?

Jeez, you’re right. If only Health Class in Texas DID end like that. Ah Texas...if florida is Americas fuck up, Texas is the fuck up’s kinda racist uncle who ruins thanksgiving & family get-togethers.


One man told KWES, “I mean I have a kid, honestly I don’t want my kid growing up in an area where nasty stuff like that happens.”

I suspect this piece of shit is the first person to bring up the First Amendment when it comes to corporations’ right to free speech via political donations or religious groups’ right to protest outside abortion clinics.

Thanks, man that image just brings joy, yeah!

I have spent the entire day fantasizing about how funny it would be if he lost his hand and had to replace it with a hook and then forgot he had a hook for a hand and hurt himself wiping his butthole.

Where did you see this? that warms my heart.